(Correlation and Demographic Studies Student UNDIKSHA BALI)
Adolescence is a period in which the individual in the process of growth (especially physical) has reached maturity. This period represents a time of life where we all difficult to regard it as a teen children, but also not as adults. Miller (1993) said ... may be seen in the descriptive label given in this period of life as a "storm and stress" period. In adolescence, a person experiencing some changes, both physically and psychically. At this time, there is a change in the biological, psychological, sociological, cultural, and historical (Lerner, 2002).
Based on the above reasoning, the process of development experienced by adolescents is a process of physical maturation and social maturation. The period of transition experienced by adolescents, demanding teenagers to fight self-discovery, self-reliance, and self-regulation. They live with the adults, the adults in the community, they have to adjust to life, where restrictions and regulations that apply are often perceived teenagers as a rule very heavy.
For most teenagers, this period is very critical period, which is probably the best time or the worst time. If the teen is able to cope with the demands it faces an integrative way, then he will find his true identity. Conversely if it fails, it will be at a prolonged identity crisis (Miller,
Dreyer (in Archer & Waterman, 1983) suggested that adolescence is characterized by higher intellectual capabilities such as formal logic operational, analytical reasoning, social cognition, moral reasoning, intellectual and ethical commitment. All of this approach illustrates that the thought of teenagers are characterized by an increase in abstract thought, consider different viewpoints when trying to solve problems, and logically assess alternatives when trying to find a way out of the dilemma.
According to Marcia (1980), identity formation is a complex task that must be resolved gradually, and without realizing it. Adolescence is used in this study is late adolescence proposed by Marcia (in Archer 1989), that adolescents aged 18-22 years, they've entered college, and be among SMT 1 to 5.
In epigenetic theory Erikson (1968), adolescence is the fifth stage is identity versus identity diffusion, which according to Erikson (in Miller, 1993) explained that adolescence is a time of rapid physiological changes in him. These changes are accompanied by a social urge to fulfill a decision in the matter of education and employment, forcing them to consider a variety of roles. "The overall task of the individual is to acquire a positive ego or her identity as he moves from one stage to the next". The basic task of adolescence is to integrate a variety of identification brought from childhood into the situation more complete identity (Erikson,
in Rice, 1996).
If teens can not integrate the identification and roles, she will face the 'vagueness' identity (identity diffusion), has an unstable personality, did not have the attitude to the future, and even showed disinterest in many ways. Erikson saw identity as an integrative concept between the individual and his environment. According to Marcia (in Archer, 1989), stated that identity is a process where individuals place themselves in the social world.
Still according to Marcia (1980), identity formation, both operationally and concretely based on Erikson's psychosocial theory that people make a commitment after passing through the exploration of various possibilities. Commitment is the culmination of identity formation.
Teens must establish his or her identity, who I am today, I want to be future adults. To establish the identity of her teens should look for information about the various alternatives for achieving the employment status of vocational identity, and must choose and assign one job into interest (commitment), thus these adolescents have an identity in the field of vocational achievement.
There are two things that determine adolescent identity formation, namely exploration and commitment. According to Marcia (Archer, 1989) identity exploration is exploration activity in the late teens who refers to the cognitive activity and behavior. Exploration is the work done late teens actively to seek and understand the issues related to employment, religion, and politics to arrive at a decision.
Archer (1989) suggested that the commitment is the end point of the process in an attempt to discover the identity formation. Commitment is an activity that is relatively firm and draw on elements of adolescent identity, serves as a steering toward meaningful action on something, which have been accompanied by confidence, loyalty, and hard to shaken or affected. The absence of a commitment that the juvenile has committed menun¬jukkan weak and easily influenced and easily changed.
There are four types of identity: 1) confusion / diffusion (not exploration and makes no commitment), 2) Foreclosure (not exploration, but making a commitment, usually it is influenced by parents), 3) moratorium (exploration, but do not make a commitment), and 4) achievement (exploration and making a commitment).
Identity is more focused on the job, career, school or achievements relating to the matter. There are questions that can be raised relating to the identity of this teenager, which is associated with adolescent experience about things that are spiritual. Spiritual is the feeling associated with things that are unseen invisible. Something magical is considered a reality that man must find his identity in this case (Kiesling et al., 2006).
In the context of identity status according to Marcia, explained that there are four categories of identity status that achievement, moratorium, diffusion, and foreclosure. These four types depending on the exploration and commitment. Exploration and commitment are two processes that exist in the formation of identity. Is it possible in spirituality, teens also experienced four types of status of this identity? For example, adolescents who are spiritually diffusion, she did not do the exploration and commitment in its spiritual experience.
Kiesling et al. (2006) found that there are only three types of spiritual identity status, that achievement, foreclosure, and the moratorium. People who are spiritually forclosured feel that their beliefs there before them in depth, so they feel they are forced to hug her. People who are spiritually Achieved having different beliefs and experiences with their parents. They also felt he had found the confidence and experience that true or correspond with them.
The purpose of this study is 1) know the identity and spirituality relationship status, 2) know the identity and spirituality relationship status with
demographic variables: gender, age, college degree, the importance of being a religious feeling, the feeling of the importance of being spiritual, and 3) determine the difference between the spiritual experience of adolescents with different status.
A total of 500 students of University of Indonesia with details of representatives from each faculty as follows:
Table 1: Subjects Research Each Faculty
Faculty Subjects
Science Education 74 people
Education Economics and Business 63 people
Language Education and Art 67
Education Social Sciences 64
Education and Health 60
The technology and vocational education 70 people
Education Mathematics and Natural Sciences 68
This research is a quantitative approach. The method used survey method with cross-sectional design and descriptive questionnaire with three instruments: 1) a questionnaire to uncover the demographic information of the participants, 2) Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ, Balistreri et al., 1995), and 3) Human Spiritual Scale ( Wheat, 1991). Design survey examined a sample of a population to obtain a quantitative description of trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population. Survey used in many disciplines, including education, health, economics, and psychology (Fink, 2003). Good survey has six characters, achievable goals and specific, clear research design, population and sample can be reached, the instrument is reliable and valid, precise analysis, and reporting of accurate results (Fink, 2003).
Some analysis used in this study: (1) descriptive analysis, (2) test the correlation, (3) To test the difference between the level of spirituality for identity status, gender, age, and the feeling of the importance of religious and spirituality. (4) Analysis of the demographic.
Spirituality significantly correlated with the assessment of the importance of being religious, exploration, commitment, identity and status. Exploration correlated significantly with spirituality, commitment, the importance of being religious, age, gender, and identity status. Commitment significantly correlated exploration, spirituality, identity and status. Identity status correlated with the exploration, commitment, spirituality, the importance of being sipiritual assessment, assessment of the importance of being religious, age, gender, and semester. This result explains that spirituality together with some other areas of life for adolescents. If in many other areas of life, such as politics and work, adolescence many exploration and committed then teenager also tend to do the same in spirituality. Adolescents who considered that a very important religious person would tend to have a high spirituality. This assessment will encourage the students to do a lot of exploration and commitment in the area of spirituality.
Identity status is much influenced by the environment in which the subject is the subject of its own conditions (Waterman, 1988). All existing demographic variables correlated with identity status even if the correlation is low. Age, sex, semester, assessment of the importance of being religious and spirituality, all positively correlated with identity status.
This study is exploratory research the relationship between spirituality, identity development, and various demographic variables such as gender, age, self-assessment of the importance of spirituality and religiosity, and the depiction of themselves as spiritual and religious. As described in chapter three that the study was conducted at the University of Indonesia or teenagers who reach the end of the juvenile phase. In their majority religion of Islam, there is only one person that Catholics. The sample used is not enough research to represent the population Indonesia University of Education. This study used quota sampling technique which takes a sample of a population of quotas that could only be done by the researcher. The ability of researchers could only take 500 samples, each faculty researchers only take approximately 70 students.
The main question of this study is whether there is a relationship four identity status (diffusion, forclosure, moratorium, and achievement) as measured by the Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (Balisteri, Busch-Rossnagel, Geisinger, 1995) and spirituality, as measured by the Human Spirituality Scale (HSS) (Wheat, 1991)? The second question is whether there is a relationship between spirituality adolescents as measured by the Human Spirituality Scale correlated with demographic variables (age, sex, self-report religiosity, self-report of spirituality, and self-assessment if her religious or spiritual?
1. Spirituality
The most important finding here is that many adolescents who have meaningful spiritual experience or higher. Scores spirituality (HSS) showed that among those having high spirituality by 15.7 percent. Even among those there who had a perfect score of 80. Highest level of spirituality they are still in the category of being very reasonable and in accordance with normal distribution patterns that most scores are around the average or medium category. Moderate level of spirituality category of 63.1 percent. Low level of spirituality of 21.2 percent is still higher than the high category.
Gender. What is interesting in this study is the association of demographic variables such as gender. There is no correlation between sex and spirituality. This means that there is no tendency either to the student male or female to have a higher spirituality. These results are in contrast to studies Goldstein (2006) who found that the level of spirituality adolescents in several schools in North California has the distinction between men and women. Women have a higher spirituality.
Age. Helmeniak (1996) states that there is no commitment on the exploration and adolescents in terms of spirituality. He argues that at the time the adult begins to develop real spirituality. Indeed, at any time will develop spirituality but spirituality in truth there develops in adulthood. Helmeniak statement is proved in this study, that there is no correlation between age and spirituality. Teenagers who have a higher age do not tend to have a high level of spirituality as well. The age variable may be correlated with spirituality if the subject under study diverse development ranging from teenagers to adults.
Semester. Variable half was no different with the variables of age. The higher the semester students do not mean the higher spirituality. This is because what is learned in college is not much fishing exploration and their commitment to spirituality. Maybe it would be different if the course material dijarkan many fishing exploration and commitment in spirituality. Departments of religion is a population area that may have researched about this spirituality.
The importance of Religiosity Self-Assessment. UPI Students are still very confused about the concept of religious and spiritual. So far, they assume that the religious is spiritual. People who often perform religious ritual activity will be considered as a religious person at once spiritual. They assume that many religious and spiritual are the same thing, so when asked if they were a religious or spiritual person then they are confused in answering. This then makes them think they are religious but actually have in their mind that being a spiritual person is very important.
The above reasons may be the cause of why the correlation between the importance of being a religious person and spirituality were positively correlated. They assume that people who really believe in the power, authority, and the existence of God behind all that happened to him in this world is a religious person, but this is the concept of a spiritual person.
Self-Assessment Importance of Spirituality. Because the concept of chaos in understanding religiosity and spirituality make one student answered and resulted in a lack of correlation between spirituality with an advanced self-assessment of the importance of the spiritual. Supposedly, the highly regarded that being a spiritual person is important and he will try to seek, explore things related to spirituality. Spirituality Human Scale Scale trying to find what they are experiencing around siritualitas. For example the question of whether they are aware of the presence of substances that are outside himself that regulates his life. Was he also tried to find information about spirituality through the medium of television, magazines, the Internet, or other media. These questions provoke the efforts and experiences of students who later also will enlarge the scale scores this spirituality.
May be a weakness of the study that did not specify in advance to the respondents who filled out questionnaires that relgius and spiritual definitions differ.
Identity status. Correlation between identity status and spirituality are very low but significant. This suggests, is the status of one's identity or adolescents relates to the level of their spirituality. Individuals who experience confusion in many areas, such as employment and politics will experience confusion also in spiritual matters.
2. Process Identity Status
There are several variables that have a correlation with the process of identity status (exploration and commitment), including gender and age variables. Gender and age were positively correlated with exploration. Gender males have a tendency to explore are more than women. This can happen because the man on the Indonesia tend to have freedom of choice than women. More women follow the will of their parents or because it went along with a friend so do not do a lot of exploration.
Age also correlated positively with exploration. This is contrary to the theory of identity status that younger adolescent age will be more exploration than older.
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