1.1 Background
Today the development of theories about how students learn, developing a variety of packages or media study, the discovery of new learning methods, has encouraged educators to look for new approaches in developing systems and instructional design. This new approach is based on the fact that teaching and learning is something that is very complex, consisting of many components with each other must work together better to achieve the best possible results.
Applied to educational activities, the concept of a systems approach is essentially the process of finding a way to solve the educational problems and find alternative solutions. Increased learning (instructional) is one form of the renewal of the instructional system is mostly done in order to reform the education system, with the intention that the system can be more harmonious with the demands of society, also in harmony with the development of science and technology. Main goal of improving the productivity and efficiency of the learning process.
To understand the various models have been developed instructional systems development today, the following will be described on the definition, fundamentals and models of instructional systems development as well as the purpose and function of instructional development and in this paper will be described in more detail about instructional systems development.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the description above background, there are some problems that can be formulated as follows:
1.2.1 What kind understanding and instructional patterns?
1.2.2 Any instructional development models?
1.2.3 How is the purpose and function of instructional development?
1.3 Objectives
From some of the formulation of the problem described above can return objectives, namely:
1.3.1 To find understanding and a wide instructional patterns.
1.3.2 To determine the instructional development models.
1.3.3 To determine how the objectives and functions of instructional development.
1.4 Benefits
From the foregoing it can be pointed out some of the benefits of making of this paper are:
1.4.1 In order to increase the knowledge of students about the meaning and kinds of instructional patterns.
1.4.2 In order to increase the knowledge of students about models of instructional development.
1.4.3 In order to increase the knowledge of students about how the purpose and function of instructional development.
The practical application of technology affects education in various forms. The existence of a variety of system components, or patterns of instructional a real influence in the form of an education. Instructional itself is a learning or order of materials instruction (command or the implementation of the curriculum), whereas Instructional system is an organized entity consisting of a number of components that interact with each other in order to achieve the desired objectives.
In general, the instructional patterns we have seen where the lecturers / teachers have the position as the sole source of learning in instructional systems. Where lecturers / teachers in control and control fully in place the contents and methods of learning and sometimes also assess the learning progress of students / students.
Over the development time, isntruksional pattern is starting to be affected by the lack of standardization in terms of input in instructional systems as well as the influence of technological development that was originally supported by the equipment or instrumentation and the rapid advancement of science result in every future generation should learn more to become educated man.
Besides being realized that standardizing on inputs can not guarantee good results, the trend in college using a self-learning system in a structured program. The sources used in the form of media specially prepared by lecturers who interact with students indirectly through the media. Where class lecturers and professors media interact with students based on a shared responsibility. The following depiction that:
Chart 1. The existence of Instructional Pattern Shared Responsibility Between lecturers and Media
With the increasing need for quantitative and qualitative, sources in the form of teachers / lecturers increasingly limited due to increasing professional demands of the lecturers and the development of employment that guarantees a better life. This situation can be overcome by placing the lecturer to prepare a complete teaching materials in a systematic and programmed in the form of a module or a package for purposes other independent learning. Thus the presence of lecturers can be fully replaced by media that are created, it is called a media lecturer. The following depiction of the pattern in question:
Content Determination goal Lecturer Student Media
and Methods
Chart 2. Patterns Instructional Media
In addition to the above patterns that affect educational instructional learning, there are several things that affect the educational process, it is namely:
The contents of the curriculum is not only determined by the expert field of study alone, but is determined together with expert developers and system instructional materials.
instructional patterns not only based on the interaction of lecturers with less students, but there are interacting with media / media lecturer.
Not only evaluation of the learning progress but teaching evaluation is an important thing that needs to be done.
Evaluation of the learning progress but not entirely in the hands of faculty are in the media, because the media and teaching through the learning progress, including unity with the teaching materials.
The role of the lecturer will change because lecturers are no longer in full control in the class.
The cost will not increase linearly in accordance with the development of educational advice.
The ongoing process of learning is not confined to schools, but in a more enabling environment situation.
There are several models in instructional development, namely as: instructional development models Briggs, Banathy, ITS, Kemp, Gerlach and Ely, and the IDI and so forth. Here's an explanation of instructional development models above:
a. Instructional development models Briggs
This model was developed by Briggs, Diman oriented system design target dengaan professor or teacher who will work as a designer of instructional activities that arrangement members include: teachers, administrators, expert field of study, expert evaluation, expert instructional designers dn media. For the design team has measures phasing fuller than lecturers / teachers as instructional program designers individually.
Briggs in instructional development there are several things that affect and needs to be done, namely: identification of needs, the preparation of a curriculum outline, formulation of objectives, analysis of objectives, preparation of evaluation of learning outcomes, determining the level of learning, determination of learning activities, the selection of appropriate media, planning learning activities , the implementation of teaching and learning activities and evaluation of learning.
b. Model Bela H. Banathy
Development of instructional models Bela H. Banathy include the following: Formulating objectives, develop tests, analyzing and learning activities, instructional systems design, implement and test the results of activities, and conduct repairs.
c. Model PPSI
This model is used as a delivery method in order 1975 curriculum for elementary, junior high, and high school, and in 1976 the curriculum for vocational schools. ITS (Procedure instructional system development) using a systems approach that promotes the clear goals, so it can be said that the ITS uses goal-oriented approach. Here things are done in the model of ITS, namely: Formulation of objectives, developing evaluation tools, learning activities and determine the subject matter, merencanakn program and implement program activities.
d. Model Kemp
Instructional development model by Kemp (1977) or commonly called the instructional design consists of eight steps, namely: 1) determining the general instructional objectives, 2) Make an analysis of the characteristics of the students, 3) Determine the instructional goals, 4) Determine the material, 5) Setting initial teaching, 6) Determining the teaching and learning strategies appropriate to the specific instructional objectives, 7) Coordinate the necessary supporting facilities and 8) Conducting evaluations.
e. Model development Gerlach and Ely
Model development Gerlach and Ely (1971) is intended as a guide to planning teaching. The development system includes ten elements, namely: Formulating objectives, determining the content of the material, according to the initial capability, determining the techniques and strategies, grouping study, to determine the distribution of time, determine the space, choose the appropriate instructional media, evaluating learning outcomes sert determining the feedback.
f. IDI Model (Instructional Development Institute)
IDI's development models like the other models, applying the principles of the system approach. There are three major phases, namely a system approach, determination (define), development (develop) and evaluation (Evaluate) but all three phases are connected to the feedback (feedback) to hold a revision. Furthermore, each of these stages terbgi into three functions / steps so that a nine function / step, following the steps in question, namely:
- Stage determination include: Identify the problem, background analysis and management.
- Stage of development include: Identification of purpose, determination methods and preparation of prototypes.
- Stage Assessment includes: Test trials, analysis of results and implementation
In essence, the learning process is a system that consists of various components that interact and cooperate in an integrated and harmonious in the search for a purpose of learning itself. If one component fails, then the whole system of teaching and learning will be disrupted, so that the purpose of teaching and learning can not be achieved to the fullest.
If reviewed in educational technology, instructional development essentially is a management technique in solving instructional problems, in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning. The purpose of the instructional development is the way in finding solutions to problems instructional includes planning, development, and evaluation of instructional components in order to produce an effective instructional systems to improve the situation of teaching and education.
In general, the development of instructional contains the principal activities of the mutual interaction of feedback, namely:
Event determine instructional issues and organizing tool for solving problems existing instructional.
Activity analyze and develop problem-solving instructional.
The evaluation instructional problem solving.
The three activities interact with one another and have feedback, in order to produce an effective instructional system. In general, each activity has a purpose and function, as well as instructional development. By definition of instructional development, the ultimate goal is to produce effective instructional systems in order to improve education pengajarn. While the particular purpose, among others, namely:
To identify the problems of instructional and organizing the troubleshooting tools.
To produce teaching and learning strategy that is effective for the improvement of teaching and education.
To generate an effective instructional planning for the improvement of teaching and education.
To produce an evaluation of effective teaching and learning in order to improve teaching and education.
To identify the needs and characteristics of learners.
To identify the alt and media that are relevant and appropriate to the instructional objectives in teaching and learning.
To define and identify, suitable teaching materials, so learning can be effective.
While the function of instructional development in teaching and learning, namely:
- As a guideline for teachers / lecturers in carrying out the teaching-learning process, in order to improve the situation of teaching and education.
- To guide teachers in making instructional decisions, include: identifying the needs and characteristics of learners, determine the instructional objectives, determining teaching and learning strategies, determining the subject matter, determine the media / props, determine the teaching evaluation and so forth.
- As a means of control / evaluation, fit between instructional planning to the implementation of teaching and learning.
- As the inverse (Feed back) for teachers about the successful implementation of teaching and learning, in order to make improvements of teaching and education.
3.1 Conclusion
The conclusion from the above description, the pattern of instructional put where lecturers / teachers have the position as the sole source of learning in instructional systems but with a growing time, isntruksional pattern is starting to use media source in the form of specially prepared by the lecturers / teachers.There are several models in instructional development, namely as: instructional development models Briggs, Banathy, ITS, Kemp, Gerlach and Ely, and the IDI.
Instructional development has a purpose and functions, namely: The main goal is to produce effective instructional systems in order to improve education teaching. While the function of instructional development in teaching and learning, namely: As a guideline for teachers / lecturers in carrying out the teaching-learning process, the guidelines in making instructional decisions, as a controller / evaluation and a reversal (Feed back) for teachers about the successful implementation of teaching and learning.
Advice from me to all readers is much more to add books or learning about instructional development as well as to better explore more about it, because it will help us in overcoming the problems of instructional development itself.