Saturday, 2 May 2015


1.1 Background
       Banana is one part of which consists of a collection banana frond that bersususun or coincide in such a way and grow upright. Existing fiber on fiber banana is strong enough and memeiliki high storability and has pores interconnected yanag.
       Banana is often overlooked by most people and is considered a waste of banana tree, it turns out midrib piasang have a high fiber content which can be used as a tool silencers.
In banana saved millions of fibers as thin as a thread. These fibers can be processed into various kerajianan, the basic raw material of paper making, as well as a silencer.
The existence of abundant banana and tend to cause environmental pollution, such as causing odor, an eyesore, into a hotbed of insect larvae, encourage authors to try to explore the potential of banana trees that are not used that.

1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the description above background, there are some problems that can be formulated as follows:
1.2.1 What is a banana?
1.2.2 What is the mechanism banana can muffle the noise?

1.3 Objectives
From some of the formulation of the problem can be described on the objectives to be achieved include:
1.3.1 To find out what it is banana.
1.3.2 To determine the mechanism of banana can muffle the sound.

1.4 Benefits
The goal of understanding to be achieved that will produce benefits including the following:
1.4.1 Knowing about what the banana.
1.4.2 Knowing about the mechanism of banana can muffle the sound.


Banana is an excellent waste in recent years to be processed into various forms of handicrafts, from purses, sandals, to decorate the house. There is one more benefit banana, namely as a silencer.

2.1 Bananas
Bananas are the fruit of herbal plants originating from the region of Southeast Asia, this plant is then spread in Africa, South and Central America. Southeast Asian communities in the banana region has lam in use, primarily shoots and pelepahnya.

2.2 Trunk or Banana
True trunked banana plant, which is located in the ground in the form of stem tuber. True stem of banana plant is hard and has a growing point (buds) that will produce banana leaves and flowers (the heart). While part of the stem is upright resembles pseudo stem sheaths consisting of long-leaf midrib wrap and cover each other, with petals younger leaves are the deepest section.

2.3 Frequency Sound
The number of shifts or oscillations of a particle in one second is called frequency. Frequency expressed in hertz (Hz).
Normal human ear responds to sound or sound source in the audio frequency range of about 20 to 20,000 Hz. This range and other frequency range from a variety of sources sound or voice. Different the person's age will result in different anyway an audio frequency of the person.
Most sound (speech, music, and noise) that can be heard is composed of many frequencies, namely low frequency components, middle, and medium.

2.4 Reflection Sound / Voice (Reflection)
Similarly, the surge in general, when the sound waves up to a certain level, then most of the sound waves will be reflected and some will be transmitted. This event occurs when a sound in the air hits a solid or liquid surface. The reflected beam at an angle to the surface normal line is equal to the beam angle of incidence. Conversely, the transmitted beam will be deflected or menjaunh of the normal line, depending on the medium. Sound reflection following the law of refraction is the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection (Tipler, 1991: 532).

2.5 Deployment Sound / Voice (diffusion)
When the sound pressure sector in the same auditorium and sound waves can propagate in all directions, it is said to be uniform sound field. In other words occur prnyrbaran sound in the space.

2.6 Absorption of Sound / Sound
Absorption sound / voice is the change in sound energy into another form, usually heat when passing through a material or when it hits a surface.

2.7 Relations Banana with Sound Suppression
By looking at the characteristics of a banana that can be used as a substitute for penbuat cloth material and also high-power savings, so the banana fiber eligible for the absorption of a sound / sound absorbers. Especially after the banana dried to reduce the water content in banana leaves, then its density will increasingly make the banana into a material that can absorb sound well enough and will mute it.


3.1 Conclusion
From the description above discussion it can be concluded that the banana can absorb / muffle a sound / voice. That is because the structure of the banana which is composed of fibers which are commonly used as a replacement material fabric makers and high-power savings. As well ditmbah again with pores that are interconnected which is owned by the banana bark, especially after being dried, the density will increase and make the banana into a sound absorbent material very well and can muffle the sound / voice.

3.2 Suggestions
Should we preserve the banana tree and utilizing wastes existing on the banana tree, because of these wastes are still many benefits we can get later.

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