Monday, 27 April 2015


       In doing physical exercise, to be conducted on a regular basis is an appropriate intensity, duration and frequency of regular. Exercise intensity should be increased along as improving performance weeks to achieve optimal results. However, workload or sport must stay in touch dengankebugaran and individual strengths. Regular exercise will make the decline of the resting heart rate, increase the size of the heart and heart diding.

       In a professional and beginners exercise is needed to endurance and strength of the body. Aside from a few other elements such as speed, agility and flexibility so as to support physical condition.
Durability (endurance) is defined as the ability to work with particular intensity in the range quite a long time without fatigue yng excessive. Tebagi top endurance, durability general and special endurance. Strength (strength) is defined as the ability role in using force in the form of pick-up or hold the load. So dayatahan strength is the ability to mengatasai or maintain muscle fatigue caused by the imposition of force in a relatively long time.

       Sport is an energetic and muscular activity in the activity of athletes demonstrate the ability of motion (the performance) and his will as much as possible. Kosasih (1985: 9) suggests that exercise is an attempt to encourage, generate, develop and maintain the physical strength nor rokhaniah in every human being. Each sport requires physical condition status varies difference each other. Physical condition is a unified whole of the components are not separated without good maintenance.
Components of the physical condition include: kekutan, endurance, muscle power, speed, resilience, agility, coordination and reaction precision balance. To obtain disik good condition it is necessary to exercise. The exercises given physical condition should be able to develop the ability of general and specific physical condition in accordance with the needs of the sport required. The establishment of the necessary physical condition requires considerable time and must be done with the planning of targeted and systematic training.

      Sporting achievement is a very complex act that depends on many factors, conditions and other influences. According to Martin (in Furqan, 1995: 5-6), factors that affect the exercise as follows:

1) The skills and techniques required, developed, controlled and stabilized (automated).

2) Capabilities - capabilities that are based on arrangements restructuring exercise body, motor skills, learning ability and coordination.

3) adequate behavior for certain sportive circumstances, such as changes in the competitive and conditions of exercise, stress, fatigue and so on.

4) Development of strategies.

5) The quality of affective behavior, cognitive and social. The factors above are derived from the (Inner factor) or less can be influenced by exercise.

       Of the various components of the physical condition of the above issues will be discussed in the next chapter on one of the components of the physical condition of the coordination, especially regarding the methods and content of coordination exercises.

      From the discussion of this paper can be obtained formulation of the problem as follows
1. What Penertian Durability?
2. What is the definition of coordination?

      From the discussion of this paper can be obtained the following purposes:
1. To determine Endurance Definition.
2. Can explain Coordination.

     From the discussion of this paper can be obtained the following benefits:
1. Durability Readers can explain.
2. Readers can explain the types of coordination.


      Definition of durability in terms of muscle work is the capability of a muscle or group of muscles in a certain period of time, being dayatahan understanding of the energy system is the capability of organs within a certain period. The term endurance or durability in the sport known as athlete's ability organs equipment to fight fatigue during endurance activities or kerja.latihan influenced and impacted on the quality of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and circulatory systems. By paddock factors that affect the durability is the maximum ability to meet the oxygen consumption marked with VO2max.
      Biomotorik component power is generally used as a benchmark to determine the level of physical fitness (physical fitness) sportsman. Physical fitness equipment capability circumstances is a body that can maintain the balance of the availability of energy before, during, and after the work activities take place. The relationship between power and performance (appearance) Physical sportsmen are:

1. The ability to perform work activities continuously with high intensity and in the long term.
2. The ability to shorten the recovery time (recovery), especially in sports matches and games.
3. The ability to receive training load is heavier, longer, and varied.
Thus sportsmen who have good endurance will benefit during the match, including, capable of:
1. Determine the rhythms and patterns of the game,
2. Maintain or alter the rhythm and the pattern of the desired game, and
3. Fighting is resilient and not easily give up during the game.

      Understanding durability is an athlete who is able to overcome the fatigue of the organism's body during these activities (Josef Nossek. 1982.48) and this can be diadaftasi through exercise, good for an-aerobic endurance and aerobic. Especially in an aerobic power is the ability to produce energy from ATP.PC or system or lactic acid system (Davis Demien Davis, Tom Kimmet & Margaret auty, 1998: 56) How should the increase diakitkan with the method and system of energy supply., Stated that the conduct training activities should be based on the intensity of the exercise, namely:

1. intensistas sub-critical, ie if the speed is reduced to low energy expenditure and demands 02 under aerobic power of the athlete's ability. 02sesuai supply fisyiologi needs so that the work under existing conditions.
2. intensistas critical, if the speed is increased and the demands of achieving the ability to supply 02 02 Forms of critical intensity is at an-aerobic zone so that the speed threshold in accordance with the respiratory ability of athletes.
3. Intensity supra critical if the speed with respect to the kinds of activities undertaken in the top of the critical speed. The work in accordance with the demands of a rapidly increasing 02yang always speed results.

A. Parameter Endurance Aerobic Exercise
      Threshold and physiological systems of the body in an aerobic activity increased and more efficient in its development, to increase endurance exercises can be performed continuously for 15 to 60 minutes with a load of 75 to 85% of maximum and performed 4 times every week (Davis Demien Davis, Tom Kimmet & Margaret auty, 1998.165). But if the exercise with a low itensistas be done with a long time. If activity is passed continuously and can maintain supply 02 typically will be able to work with a long time. But not more than 10 to 12 minutes, except for the high skilled athletes, by keeping the critical level for 1 to 2 hours and pulse rate ranges from 150 up to 166 / min.
Development exercises can be done with

 (1) The intensity of approximately 70% and a maximum speed of intensity can be measured by using the distance / time resulting in speed and timing, in meters / sec. Pulse 140 up to 164 / min. If the stimulus is not touched upon exercise dnyut pulse 130 then aerobic capacity will not be increased.
(2) duration, duration of exercise about 60 to 90 seconds to increase an-aerobic endurance. It is as a critical component in the beginning perlombbaan primarily on numbers run athletics. The exercises can be done with repeat 3 times 10 minutes to increase aerobic endurance, must be tailored to the characteristics of the sport and level athlete needs.
(3) interval, time off work terganting of stimuli, according to (Reindel et al, 1962) between 45 to 90 seconds for aerobic endurance with time does not exceed 3-4 minutes. because for a long break capillaries will shrink, whereas on the first working restricted blood flow (Hoillman-1959).
(4) the activity during rest periods normally very low intensity it is done to stimulate healing / strengthening of biological secar for a trained athlete can be done through jogging.
(5) the number of repetitions adjusted to the physiological ability of the athlete to the stability of consumption 02pada high level, and if the energy needs that do not fit with aerobics sisstim then the consequences will be widened use of an-aerobic quickly tiring. For that pulse nandi can be used as a benchmark in the fatigue factor, because the fatigue pulse will rise, if the pulse above 180 / min it will be achieved a high fatigue performance of the heart in which the contraction is reduced in distributing 02 to muscles work. For that training activities should be stopped, if passed will cause interference and problems in the muscles, even Cedra would cause either the muscle itself or on another function such as the heart pumps blood to the body presenting any purpose, including 02 as an oxidizing substance in the formation of energy or power.

B. Parameter Endurance Exercises for An-Aerobic
      Most of the development of an endurance-aerobok can be done naturally cyclic exercise in high intensity activities (Jack H.Wilmore & David L.Costill, 1993: 153). An aerobic endurance mostly on sports teams (Bompa, 1999: 149) training activities that can be done for the development of an-aerobic endurance as follows:

1) the intensity can be done vary between sub-maximal to the max. To perform an exercise-aerobic endurance used itensitas 90-95% and a maximum.
2) The duration of the exercises can be done during 5-120 seconds depending on the intensity of use.
3) interval, a break after high intensity takes long enough to fill 02 or recover debts length of recovery time between 2-10 minutes, with a break of 4-6 repetitions take between 6-10 minutes This is important in order not to happen lactic acid buildup.
4) activity during rest periods should be relaxed with complete rest.
5) The number of repetitions should be short in the development of an-aerobic capacity and not too much repetition because there will be accumulation of lactic acid.

1. Muscle Endurance
     Endurance and muscle strength can be improved by doing weight training. In principle, the difference between the two is the number of repetitions to be done in each set of exercises. Exercise muscle endurance by performing maximum repetitions as much as 20-25 times. Meanwhile, training for muscle strength by performing repetitions of 8-12 reps maximum (RM).
Exercises should be done in accordance with sections muscle will be enhanced durability. For example, improved arm muscle endurance by doing push ups, abs with crunches, back muscles to back up, and leg muscles with squats, everything is done as much as 20-25 RM.
For muscular endurance exercises can also be used as a tool such as barbell training load. The following are examples of movements that can train muscular endurance by using a barbell.

a. Press
This movement is done with the load on the shoulders, then pushed upward so that the straight arm. Then, return the load to the shoulders. Legs straight and shoulder-width apart. Variety of exercises can be done by putting a load on her chest or while sitting

2. Heart-Lung Durability
     Some forms of exercise that aims to improve heart-lung endurance, among others fartlek, interval training, distance running, long distance swimming, and cross country.
• Fartlek (speed play) is an exercise that is done in the open with a natural ambience that is not boring. The selected natural conditions is a natural condition that is hilly, has a shrub, or sandy. When doing fartlek, actors can exercise while enjoying the natural atmosphere.
• Interval training (interval training) is conducted exercises punctuated by intervals of rest to face the next exercise. For example, for basic training by running 2,000 meters, made by dividing up the mileage ran. The division of mileage can be made as much as 10 × 200 meters with a time of 45 seconds each. Break for each repetition was 3 minutes.
• Running long distances (long running) should be done in a place of unspoiled natural atmosphere so that air pollution is still a little bit. Nevertheless, long-distance running can be done on the highway in the morning when the air is still fresh.
• Pool remotely (long swimming), performed by setting a target date or mileage corresponding to the width or length of the pool is used. Moreover, this exercise can also be done in a comprehensive and long rivers or even the sea.
• Cross country carried out in the open nature unspoiled, such as through the mountains, hills, rice fields, plantations, and forest.

      Exercise is an activity that is carried out systematically, repeatedly and given the amount of load is constantly increasing with regular programs to achieve specific goals. Singgih (1996: 5) suggested exercises is a systematic effort to bring the principles paedagogik talents as an athlete or coach ability gradually to increase the basic principle.
Coordination is a very complex biomotorik ability (Harsono, 1988). According Bompa (1994) coordinating closely related to speed, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Therefore, form coordination exercises should be designed and adapted to the elements of speed, strength, endurance, and flexibility.
    Coordination (coordination) is one of the elements that are relatively difficult physical conditions defined precisely because its function is associated with elements of other physical conditions and is largely determined by the ability of the student (Syafruddin, 2011: 118-119). Coordination is the ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly and accurately. This may involve the senses, muscle contraction and joint movement (MacKenzie, B., 2008)
Coordination (coordination), is the ability to integrate a variety of different movement patterns into a single movement effectively. For example in tennis; a player would appear to have good coordination when it can move towards the ball while swinging a racket, then hit him with the correct technique (Sajoto, 1995: 9).
     So exercise is an activity coordination of multiple systems of the body and movement patterns to form individual movements and skills required for a particular purpose.
According to Aziz (2008: 162) The components in coordination is: (1) the structure of the movement, (2) the rhythm of movement, (3) the smoothness of motion, (4) Relations movement, (5) the accuracy and constancy Movement, (6) Tempo movement , (7) the extent of the movement.

A. Method of Coordination Exercise
      Coordination capabilities can only be improved through practice. Therefore, the accuracy of the use of methods of exercise, proper load setting and the selection of appropriate training materials will greatly determine the quality improvement of coordination. Coordination is the ability of the complex because it is not only determined by the central nervous system, but also the physical condition determined by factors such as strength, speed, endurance and flexibility. Good coordination skills will be able to save the use of force experts research results show that coordination is improved through practice will be able to save up to 15% oxygen. The better the coordination skills, the more easily and quickly be able to learn new forms of movement (Syarifuddin, 2011: 123).
Coordination training involves the use of several body systems and movement patterns to form individual movements and skills required for certain tasks. Coordination conditioning is very important to a certain level in every individual and athlete. Coordination takes the place of the other components have been left behind. The application of force for example requires adequate and efficient coordination of muscle contractions order to be effective in removing certain load.
Two areas of coordination namely:

1) coordinated movement: a coordinated movement that generally springs to mind when referring to the coordination in practice. This involves the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a single movement. A perfect example is the hand-eye coordination as in juggling.

2) Coordination synergistic muscles: this involves a sequence of efficient recruitment of muscle such as when lifting a strange object. Olympic lifting is a form of training which requires a large number of synergistic muscle coordination. When you do exercises like the snatch, you need to recruit muscles in a manner that allows for full and efficient movement without dropping it in your head. More muscular coordination you have more capable you lift heavier weights even before done in the business. The weight of the machine is a counter-example, which means they are exercises that require very little coordination of muscles to lift more weight because it gives you control over the movement of the machine. (Anonymous, 2011)

B. Principles of Exercise Coordination
To improve and enhance the quality of coordination of movement required in the exercise is to consider some principles dikemukan exercise Jonath / Krempel (1981) in Syafruddin (2011: 123) following.
1) Learn the coordination of the movement of new and diverse with the aim to master complex skills.
2) Learn the skills that the new movement is varied. Terotomatisai movements should be confronted because the movement inhibit the development of coordination
3) exercises to develop coordination must show a certain degree of difficulty in terms of motor coordination
4) Development of better coordination dalah on the age of children and adolescents, which is the basis for studying new skills and complex
5) The exercises are intended to improve the coordination abilities instead be given at the beginning of a unit (session) exercise, which latihanya volume is not so great and should be done with a high frequency.

C. Forms of Exercise Coordination
The forms of coordination exercises (Syafruddin, 2011: 123-124):
1) Exercise by changing the speed of movement
2) Exercise by changing the limit room to move (for example far field of play)
3) Changing the tools used in the exercises
4) Difficult movements performed as multiply-round in discus throwing, add a round before landing on gymnastics apparatus.
5) exercises balance
6) Exercise - gymnastics gymnastik
7) Difficult movements made through changes in the implementation of movement (eg movement forward, backward, sideways, lifting one foot or two feet)
8) Exercise - exercise combined, such as jog in place, thruss squats, jump with both thigh high lift upward, jumping with both feet touching the opposite hand in front of and behind the body, and many more exercise combinations Other than that, it also can be done without lat.
9) the simple strength exercises to improve muscle coordination intra
10) The assortment of floor exercises such as roll forward, backward, forward and backward somersault and others.

Form coordination exercises should involve a wide variety of movements and skills, such as badminton athletes should not only movement exercises and skills contained in badminton activity alone, but given motion exercises and skills contained in the branches of other sports such as volleyball, basketball , or other sports. Coordination exercises recommended by Harre (Harsono, 1988), among others
a. The exercises with the change of pace and rhythm.
b. The exercises in field conditions and equipment change (modify their equipment).
c. The combination of various exercises.
d. Combination of various game
e. Exercises to develop a reaction
f. Steeplechase run within a specified time.
g. Exercises in front of the mirror, balance exercises, exercises with your eyes closed.

3.1 Conclusion
      In a professional and beginners exercise is needed endurance and strength. Aside from a few other elements such as speed, agility and flexibility so as to support physical condition.
Durability (endurance) is defined as the ability to work with particular intensity in the range quite a long time without fatigue yng excessive. Tebagi top endurance, durability general and special endurance. Strength (strength) is defined as the ability role in using force in the form of pick-up or hold the load. So dayatahan strength is the ability to mengatasai or maintain muscle fatigue caused by the imposition of force in a relatively long time.

     However, workload or sport must stay in touch dengankebugaran and individual strengths.
Coordination exercises an activity of several body systems and movement patterns to form individual movements and skills required for a particular purpose. Coordination capabilities can only be improved through practice. Therefore, the accuracy of the use of methods of exercise, proper load setting and the selection of appropriate training materials will greatly determine the quality improvement of coordination. Coordination is the ability of the complex because it is not only determined by the central nervous system, but also the physical condition determined by factors such as strength, speed, endurance and flexibility.

3.2 Suggestions
      From the above discussion paper, the students are able to apply the learning expected endurance and coordination in sport in accordance with existing rules that can be received by the scientific

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