Saturday, 30 May 2015

Persebaya young players, Fandi Eko Utomo claims could not give much comment on the punishment meted out to the Indonesian FIFA. Ekodono eldest son Joseph was also confused what should comment the related penalties.

When polled pengenai penalty repeal such membership, Fandi evasively. "Well, I can not comment, Mas," said the older brother of footballer revelation of the Seto Subo.

Although already pressed, multi-function player is still refusing to comment. "I can not comment anything ya, Mas," said Fandi.

As known, FIFA decided to revoke the membership of Indonesia. The decision was the result of a meeting of the executive committee (Exco) FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland. Although its membership has been revoked, the National Team (team) Indonesia still be competing in the SEA Games in Singapore.

Jakarta-Indonesian national team again has a chance to break the record the last 24 years to win gold at the SEA Games in 2015.

At the SEA Games this year, Indonesia joined in Group A with hosts Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia, and the Philippines. Despite including the respected opponent, Indonesia was only the second time SEA Games gold medal in 1987 and 1991.

At least, since the title of this multievent using the format U-23 since 2001, many important data and facts about the gait Garuda Muda.

What is it? Here's the list that is compiled from various sources

1. Indonesia twice in the final SEA Games in 2011 and 2013. The achievement equaled the achievement Vietnam and Singapore were equally ever felt the final twice in a row.

2. Throughout the history of the SEA Games, Indonesia ranks fourth on the medals table football branch. With bagged 2 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze with a total of 9 medals.

3. Recorded in SEA Games 2015, three players aged 18 years old. They are, defender Zalnando, Hargianto and Muchlis Hadi Muhammad Syaifullah Ning.

Exercise Indonesia U-23 national team ( Fithriansyah)
4. Former Persija Jakarta are now strengthening Barito Putera, Egi Melgiansyah appeared three times in the event the SEA Games. Egi appear at the SEA Games.

5. Since the SEA Games U-23 using the format of U-23 players in 2001, there were only two national team players Indonesian Bambang Pamungkas and Patrich Wanggai who can score five goals in a multi-event competitions of this biennial.

6. As long as participation in the SEA Games, Indonesia diving three times on penalties in the final. However, Indonesia is only one win in the SEA Games in 1991 when bending Thailand. Meanwhile, in two shootout in the final in 1997 and 2011, Indonesia failed to win.

Exercise Indonesia U-23 national team ( Fithriansyah)
7. For the first time in its history, Indonesia SEA Games gold medal by a single goal created by Hurricane Waidi to Malaysia's goal in the final.

8. The second gold of Indonesia branch of football successfully taken at the SEA Games in 1991 which took place in the Philippines. Indonesia beat a strong team, Thailand 4-3 on penalties.

Democratic Party Chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) made a new breakthrough. He did not choose his youngest son, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas), to return to DPP Secretary General of the Democratic Party 2015-2020 period. 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia chose Hinca Panjaitan, who do not have blood relationship with him.

Hinca designation is also quite surprising considering the 51-year man was fairly junior elite than other Democrats. He got rid of a number of names that have been precisely known to be close to SBY.

In the period 2010-2015, Hinca indeed served as chairman of the Democratic Party DPP Public Communications Division and became a spokesman for the Democratic Convention Committee. However, gait former member of the Press Council in the field of public politics less audible than in the field of sports.

Hinca name was more popular as a caretaker Indonesia Football Association (PSSI). The era of leadership Nurdin Halid, Hinca the then Chairman of the PSSI Komdis, known as the man behind the disqualification sanction to the PSS Sleman and PSIS Semarang, which is considered to play a game of football in the last phase of elephant great 8 First Division.

Men born in Asahan, North Sumatra, September 25, 1964 also gave sanction of a lifetime ban against the perpetrators of an own goal, and dozens of other sanctions on those involved in the elephant football. In the management of PSSI period 2015-2019, Hinca now vice chairman.

Outside the PSSI, achievement is also known as a practitioner of law background is strong enough. After graduating from the Faculty of Law, University of HKBP Nommensen, Medan in 1987, the father of three children received his Master of Law (MH) from Padjadjaran University, Bandung in 1992.

Subsequently, he received a doctorate from the Faculty of Law of the University of Pelita Harapan (UPH FH) on January 28, 2011 with a dissertation Intervention Against State Management, Implementation, and Dispute Resolution Professional Football in the Era of Globalization in the Context of Public Welfare Advancing in Indonesia. This dissertation won him cum laude.

Sits as chair of the Democratic Party Secretary General 2015-2020 period, the name will surely Hinca Panjaitan more be heard in politics. Moreover, he mentioned will be a member of the House of Representatives passed interim replacement (PAW), replacing the party cadres were dismissed.
Administrasi memperingatkan alat teror pertempuran akan berakhir hari Minggu, seperti pertempuran Senat lebih Patriot Act.

Pemerintahan Obama memperingatkan Jumat bahwa seikat alat pengawasan teror melawan akan berakhir pada Minggu tengah malam kecuali Kongres bertindak untuk memperbaharui Patriot Act ketentuan - menekan Pemimpin Mayoritas Senat Mitch McConnell untuk memecahkan kebuntuan atas masalah ini.

Senat menemui jalan buntu akhir pekan lalu pada serangkaian proposal dimaksudkan untuk menjaga ketentuan berjalan melewati ujung-of-the-bulan batas waktu. McConnell memanggil Senat kembali ke sesi pada hari Minggu, "untuk melakukan segala upaya untuk memberikan komunitas intelijen dengan alat yang dibutuhkan untuk memerangi teror," kata juru bicara Don Stewart Jumat.

Tapi sesi yang meninggalkan hanya beberapa jam sampai batas waktu, dan itu tidak jelas apakah solusi apapun dalam jangkauan.

Direktur Intelijen Nasional James Clapper mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan hari Jumat bahwa komunitas intelijen berdiri untuk "kehilangan kemampuan penting." Di antara ketentuan yang akan berakhir adalah kemampuannya Badan Keamanan Nasional untuk mencari dan mengumpulkan catatan telepon Amerika '.

Tapi ini dan ketentuan kontroversial lainnya adalah subjek pertempuran kongres intens yang telah membawa tarik-menarik perang antara anggota parlemen privasi-dan berpikiran keamanan untuk kepala.

McConnell dan sekutu-sekutunya ingin memperpanjang Patriot Act selama dua bulan tanpa membuat perubahan.

The House, meskipun, didukung tagihan disebut Amerika Serikat Freedom Act, yang akan berakhir koleksi massal NSA tetapi diawetkan kemampuannya untuk mencari catatan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan telepon pada kasus-per kasus. RUU ini didukung oleh Presiden Obama dan para pejabat penegak hukum dan intelijen atas bangsa.

Namun, kedua RUU DPR dan perpanjangan jangka pendek McConnell gagal melaju akhir pekan lalu di Senat - meninggalkan jalan untuk mengatasi ketentuan berakhir tidak jelas.

Kritikus paling menonjol dari setiap undang-undang Patriot Act adalah Senator Republik Rand Paul dari Kentucky, pesaing presiden Partai Republik. Paulus mengatakan pemilih mendorong dia untuk terus berjuang program pengumpulan massal pemerintah.

Dia bersorak berakhirnya menjulang dalam email penggalangan dana pada hari Kamis, mengatakan: ". Ketika Senat datang kembali ke sesi hari Minggu ini, mereka akan memiliki hanya 8 jam untuk melewati tagihan sebelum 'Patriot' Act berakhir Itu berarti jika Anda dan saya dapat menahan keadaan mata-mata off hanya 8 jam lebih, kami akan membuang program mata-mata ilegal NSA ke tong sampah sejarah tempatnya. "

Gedung Putih menempatkan tekanan berat pada Senat untuk bekerja di luar perbedaan di jajaran, pada sebuah isu yang telah kabur garis partai tradisional dan menciptakan aliansi aneh.

Sekretaris Pers Gedung Putih Josh Earnest mengatakan Jumat, "Tidak ada rencana B" untuk menjaga program berjalan tanpa undang-undang baru.

Obama pada hari Jumat menyalahkan "segelintir senator" untuk undang-undang terhenti.

"Saya tidak ingin kita berada dalam situasi di mana untuk jangka waktu tertentu otoritas mereka pergi dan tiba-tiba kita gelap," katanya. "Dan surga melarang kita punya masalah di mana kita bisa mencegah serangan teroris atau ditangkap seseorang yang terlibat dalam kegiatan berbahaya tapi kami tidak melakukannya hanya karena kelambanan di Senat."

Obama berpendapat bahwa perubahan yang dibuat dalam UU Patriot akan memberikan kebebasan yang lebih besar perlindungan sipil sementara tetap mempertahankan alat penegak hukum penting. Dia mengatakan banyak dari pemerintah yang akan berakhir non-kontroversial, seperti penggunaan yang disebut "keliling penyadapan" yang melacak tersangka melalui penggunaan telepon seluler mereka.

Clapper juga memperbarui seruannya untuk Senat untuk lulus USA Freedom Act.

Rumah Pemimpin Mayoritas Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Mengisyaratkan kemungkinan putaran baru perdebatan di kedua kamar. Dalam memo Jumat, ia menulis: "Jika Senat tidak lulus sangat bipartisan House-berlalu USA FREEDOM Act (HR 2048), tindakan lebih lanjut pada ketentuan berakhir UU PATRIOT mungkin diperlukan."
How to Clean Teeth In Traditional Natural Reef

Health and beauty teeth need to be maintained to the fullest. This is because a person's appearance can be influenced by the beauty and health of teeth. Teeth clean, white, beautiful, and no problems will certainly give the appearance of a beautiful smile and boost our confidence. Especially if formed tartar destructive and disturbing beauty of the look of your smile. For this reason, we will describe some of the ways to clean traditional tartar naturally to be applied by the reader to immediately eliminate this interference.

How to clean traditional tartar naturally


Cloves besides known as food seasoning, it has a function effective in removing tartar. Cloves have long been known as a herb mixture to remove tartar long ago by our ancestors. Habits of parents chewing or rubbing clove mixed with betel leaf is a way to remove tartar them naturally. It has proved effective cleaning tartar around the teeth without even brushing your teeth. Besides the positive effect is that you can get a fresh breath wafted from the mouth after doing this habit.

Tamarind seeds kawak

You may be a bit unfamiliar with tamarind seeds kawak. But anyway, this kawak tamarind seeds proven to be effective in removing rock that sticks to your teeth. You can take some seeds kawak acid, toasted and finely crushed. Once refined, you can use it as a mixture of toothpaste when brushing your teeth you want.

Cleansing his teeth

Cleansing his teeth using a root or stem fiber plants is a natural Islamic way to clean and whiten teeth. Siwak way has been introduced long ago by the Prophet Muhammad even disunnahkan to do. This cleansing his teeth as well as the use of dental floss. But the effect obtained cleaner and using herbal ingredients. You can buy fiber roots or stems of this plant in the stores that provide specifically for cleansing his teeth. If you apply this siwak regularly eat coral on your teeth will disappear naturally.

How to clean traditional tartar naturally


This is the way to eliminate tartar that has been chosen by a large part of people, namely with apples. Tartar can also be lost if you frequently consume unpeeled apples. This is because, apples contain high levels of fiber that helps lift tartar naturally. Frequent eating apples without peel and cut into pieces also can naturally strengthen your teeth to get used to bite the apple.

Increase consumption of water

Consuming lots of water can naturally remove the dirt that sticks to the teeth. Anyway course, tartar can be eroded little by little with a lot of clean drinking water. You can also get rid of the remnants of food stuck between teeth with regular use plain water rinse. So that the causes of tartar can be avoided.

Doing good dental care and correct

Good dental care and correct strongly influence the occurrence of tartar. You can get used to brush your teeth two times a day rather the morning after breakfast and at night before bed. You can also apply the dental floss and mouthwash after brushing your teeth. If these treatments do regularly, chances are you will clean the teeth of tartar.

Similarly to the writer explained about how to clean tartar naturally traditionally properly. Hope can be a useful reference for readers to remove tartar that interfere with the appearance and health of your teeth.

Conclusion: How to remove tartar traditionally is to perform regular dental care by using cloves, tamarind seeds kawak, apples, water consumption, and cleansing his teeth.

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