1.1 Background
Sport is a systematic process that beruapa any activity or any business that can encourage, develop, and nurture the potential physical and spiritual person as an individual or member of the public in the form of games, matches, and achievement puncak.1 Sports is one of the useful activities. The benefits of berlohraga include: accelerate metabolism, increase physical fitness, reduce the risk of various diseases, maintain weight, increase brain capacity and reduce stress.2 Various benefits of exercise that has been mentioned is closely related to the physical and spiritual health of a person who did it. Physical health is a form of health of organs, organ systems and a variety of other biological components. While the spiritual health of a person related to mental health.
Today, sports activities in the community is rarely done. From the fact that there can be known a person's interest to exercise minimal especially for someone with solid activity. When viewed on a more narrow scope that among students, sports activities are also rare. Normally among students, exercise done at least once a week with an average time. In fact, to keep the body to stay healthy and fit sports activities regularly takes at least 3 weeks.
The lack of sports activities are carried out by people, particularly students due to several reasons, among others:
1. Leisure time for exercise is minimal
2. The sports movement is often monotonous
3. Movement exhausting exercise for people who rarely do
From various reasons lack of exercise activities such as the need for alternative media enjoyable exercise. The alternative is through rhythmic gymnastics.
Rhythmic Gymnastics commonly called the rhythmic gymnastics namely gymnastic movements accompanied by music. Basically the same rhythmic gymnastics movement by movement on a regular gymnastics. The differences lie only in addition to music features for some people make more eager to do gymnastics. In addition, movement in rhythmic gymnastics can be designed themselves with musical accompaniment as desired.
Based on the various reasons people rarely exercise that has been reviewed above and its relationship with rhythmic gymnastics, the authors are interested to peel more deeply about the benefits of doing rhythmic gymnastics as well as the influence of the activity rhythm gymnastic exercise a person with a paper entitled "Through the Good Sports Media Gymnastics Rhythm."
1.2 Problem Formulation
Some background description above, there are several problems that can in
formulated as follows:
1.2.1 What are the benefits do rhythmic gymnastics?
1.2.2 What is the effect of rhythmic gymnastics on activities
exercising someone?
1.3 Purpose
Of miraculous formulation of the problem can be described on the objectives to be achieved include:
1.3.1 To determine the benefits of doing rhythmic gymnastics.
1.3.2 To determine bahgaimanakah penaruh rhythmic gymnastics against a person exercising activities.
1.4 Benefits
1.4.1 for People
May choose an alternative exercise more enjoyable through the media that rhythmic gymnastics.
1.4.2 For Authors
Can learn more about the benefits of rhythmic gymnastics to exercise one's activities and how your influence between them.
2.1 Definition of Gymnastics Rhythm
Gymnastics is a sport involving performance of movements that require strength, speed and harmony of regular physical movement. According to Frank G. Menke in the Encyclopedia of Sport, as Bannes and Company, New York, 1960, gymnastics consists of broad movements / lot or a whole of exercises that can build or form the muscles of the body such as the wrist, back, arms, and so forth. Gymnastics or exercises including: elements of a somersault, leap, climb and balance. Medium Drs. Imam Hidayat in his book, STO Bandung, March 1970 stated, "Gymnastics is body workout created deliberately, systematically compiled and made consciously in order to establish and develop personally in harmony.
Gymnastics is derived from the English called "Gymnastics" is derived from the word "gymnos" doing gymnastics in a special room called the "Gymnasium" or "Gymnasion".
Gymnastics used people for relaxation or recreation-calming the mind, usually there are doing at home, at the gym, in the gymnasium and at school. The goal is to gain strength and physical beauty. Philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle has supported programs of physical exercise, which is intended to enhance the beauty and beauty, strength, and efficiency of movement. From this era also the signs of the development of medical gymnastics, massage and fitness can be traced back. At the time of the Roman empire similar activities can also be found. At that time the community is supportive of physical activities to facilitate military training for the men. As a result, the Roman youth was known as a strong young man, brave, and tough fighter. Not easy to define the word on this one, because of the particularity that it contains are the breadth of meaning that wants to be covered, in accordance with the development of a wide range of flow and the type of exercise that happened today. Imam Hidayat (1995) tried to define gymnastics as: "suatulatihan selected body and is constructed with a deliberate, conscious and deliberate, arranged systematically with the aim of improving physical fitness, develop skills, and instill mental and spiritual values" l.
While Peter H. Werner (1994) says: gymnastics can be interpreted as a form of body exercises on the floor or on a tool designed to increase endurance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and control of the body. So the focus is on the body, not tools, nor the patterns of motion, because any motion that is used, the ultimate goal is the improvement of the quality of the controlling physical and mastery.
Modern times in Europe and the end is gymnastics in the Twenty Century. Knowledge of history is sometimes boring if we only look at the tale alone. But if you look carefully, the inside is full of ideas, events, circumstances, nature, behavior, beautiful, evil, useful, and so forth, all of which will add to your personal insight that would be very useful for you as an individual as well as community members. By understanding the history of gymnastics since ancient times to the present,
Gymnastics Rhythm or so-called modern rhythmic gymnastics is gymnastics movements performed to the rhythm of music. Free exercise performed rhythmically. Rhythmic gymnastics can be done by using or not using the tool. The tool that is often used is the mace, baton, hoops, ropes, ribbons, scarves, and so forth.
Rhythmic Gymnastics is an exercise that is done by bringing together a sense of beauty or artistic taste to improve and promote the art of motion. In principle rhythmic gymnastics with regular exercise makes no difference, just the rhythmic gymnastics added music or rhythm. The pressure that must be given to the rhythmic gymnastics is; rhythm, the body's flexibility and movement for genuine continuity.
2.2 Gymnastics Rhythm
Rhythmic Gymnastics also called rhythmic gymnastics is gymnastics movements performed to the rhythm of music, or latihanbebas performed rhythmically. Rhythmic gymnastics can be done with or without tools tools. Tool that is often used is double, hoops, sticks, balls, ribbons and hats. The elements required in rhythmic gymnastics is flexibility, balance, flexibility, flexibility, continuity, and accuracy with the rhythm.
Basically the same rhythmic gymnastics movements with regular exercise movement. Lies the difference is the music features that would make someone eager to do gymnastics.
2.3 Benefits of Doing Gymnastics Rhythm
Doing Gymnastics Rhythm has a variety of benefits including:
a. Physical Benefits
Someone who perform rhythmic gymnastics routine will develop the ability of endurance, muscle, strength, power, flexibility, coordination, agility and balance.
b. Mental Benefits
People who routinely perform rhythmic gymnastics able to use the capabilities of active and creative thinking through problem solving motion. Moreover, rhythmic gymnastics performed accompanied by music that pep someone who did and make fun atmosphere.
c. Social benefits:
When this rhythmic gymnastics activities carried out jointly will create a social interaction and cohesiveness train movement.
2.4 Effect of Doing Gymnastics Rhythm Of Sports Events
As we know that rhythmic gymnastics is gymnastics accompanied by music that adds to the spirit of someone who does. Moreover, rhythmic gymnastics makes exercise becomes fun activities for the movement does not have to be complicated and may use tools or no tools.
So that, in such circumstances rhythmic gymnastics exercise great influence on the activities carried out by someone. By doing rhythmic gymnastics person will not be eager to exercise.
3.1 Conclusion
Exposure of various sports and rhythmic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics can be concluded that the activity is beneficial and has a considerable influence on the activities of a person exercising. By doing rhythmic gymnastics exercise activities become more vibrant and fun.
3.2 Suggestions
Community or student should have the awareness to exercise through fun media such as rhythmic gymnastics.