Friday, 1 May 2015


      Today, the tourism sector is considered as a sector with huge potential to increase the country's foreign exchange resources. The development of tourism will indirectly be followed by the development of other sectors related as hotels, restaurants, trade and crafts people. In addition, the field of new employment will be more open so as to reduce unemployment.
For Indonesia, the role of tourism increasingly felt, especially after the weakening of the role of oil and gas. Nonetheless, the nominal value of the dollar has fluctuated little. the number of foreign tourists who come to enjoy the beauty of Indonesian tourism Indonesia resulted in the more famous in other countries.
     One of which attracted the attention of local and foreign tourists is the beauty seen from the top of the mountain, therefore many tourists who choose to engage in sport climbing and spending money that is not a little in order to reach the top of the mountain and enjoy its beauty.
This paper will discuss in more detail about the sports climbing and what impact it had on the environment.

The formulation of the problem based on the above background, namely:
1.2.1 What is the sense of the environment?
1.2.2 What is sport climbing?
1.2.3 What are sports facilities and infrastructure climbing?
1.2.4 What is the impact on the environment the sport climbing?

The purpose of this paper, among others:
1.3.1 To determine the environmental sense.
1.3.2 To find out what it is sport climbing.
1.3.3 To know the sports facilities and infrastructure climbing.
1.3.4 To determine how exercise impacts climb on the environment.

Ma writing this lost benefits, namely:
1.4.1 Knowing the environmental sense.
1.4.2 Knowing what it is sport climbing.
1.4.3 Knowing climbing sports facilities and infrastructure.
1.4.4 Knowing how the impact of sport climbing on the environment.


If talking about the notion of the environment, not enough with just one sense. Here there is some understanding of the environment, namely:
 The environment is all objects, power and conditions contained in any place or space where humans or living being and can affect their lives.
 In addition, the environment is a term that can encompass all living and non-living creatures in nature that exist on Earth or part of the Earth, which function naturally without human intervention excessive.
 Meanwhile, according to Law No. 23 In 1997, the environment is the unity with all things space, power, state, and living things, including humans and their behavior, which affects the continuity of livelihood and well-being of humans and other living creatures.
In the environment there are ecosystems, namely the order of elements of the environment that is whole and complete unit interacts to balance, stability and productivity of the environment.
Environment consisting of abiotic and biotic components. Abiotic components are all inanimate such as land, air, water, climate, humidity, light, sound. While the biotic components is everything animate like plants, animals, humans and micro-organisms (viruses and bacteria).

      Sport climbing or commonly known as mountain climbing is a tough sport, full of adventure and requires skill, intelligence, strength and high fighting spirit. The dangers and challenges of the attractiveness of these activities. In effect the danger and the challenge is to test the ability of themselves and to be one with nature. The success of a difficult ascent, means an advantage against the fear and the triumph of the struggle against oneself.
In Indonesia, mountain climbing activities known since 1964 when climbers Indonesia and Japan conducted a joint expedition and reached the top of Sukarno in mountainous Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya (now Papua). They are Soedarto and Soegirin of Indonesia, as well as Fred Atabe of Japan. In the same year, associations mountaineers from birth, starting with the establishment of the association facer jungle and mountain climbers Wanadri in Bandung and Nature Lovers Students of the University of Indonesia (UI Mapala) in Jakarta, followed later by other societies in various cities in Indonesia ,
 Type Travel / Ascent
Mountaineering in its broadest sense is a journey, ranging from hill walking to climbing expeditions to peaks of high and difficult to take a long time, even for months.
According to the activity and the type of terrain encountered, mountaineering is divided into three parts, namely:
- Hill Walking / Fell Walking
A drive up the hills are relatively flat and are not yet in need of special equipment that are technical.
- Scrambling
Is climbing on the rock cliffs that are not so steep or relatively gentle, sometimes using hand for balance. For beginners usually mounted to a safety rope lines on the track.
- Climbing
Climbing activities that require mastery of special techniques. Technical equipment needed as a safety. Climbing generally does not take more than one day. Forms of climbing activity is divided into two parts: 1) Rock Climbing, where climbing on the rock cliffs that require climbing technique using special equipment. 2) Snow & Ice Climbing (climbing on ice and snow)
- Mountaineering
Is a combination of all forms of climbing on top. The timing could be days, weeks, even months. Besides the need to master the techniques of climbing and knowledge of climbing equipment, also have to master the management of travel, food arrangements, communications, strategy climbing and so forth.
 Ascent Systems,
In doing so one must know how to climb the climbing system which will be carried out, the following systems in ascent:
- Himalayan System, is a climbing system that is used to travel long climb, takes weeks. This system developed in the ascent to the peaks in the Himalayas. Cooperation group in this system are divided into several resting place (for example: base camp, flying camp, etc.). Although only one member of the team that reached the top, while the other team members simply get in the way, this climb is successful.
- Alpine System, is a climbing system that developed in the Alps. The goal is that all climbers reached the summit together. This system is faster, because the climbers did not need to return to base camp, the trip is done jointly by continuing to go up and open the flying camp to the summit.

      Mountain climbing as other adventure activities is a strenuous sport activity. Activities that require excellent fitness condition climbers. The difference with other sports, mountain climbing is done in the middle of the wild outdoors, an environment that is not really a human habitat, let alone a city children. Good climbers aware of the dangers that would confront in their activities termed the dangers of objective and subjective danger. Objective danger is the danger that comes from properties of nature itself. For example, the mountain has a cooler air temperature plus a freezing wind, the rain without shelter, the steepness of the surface which can cause people to slip once risky rocks fall, and the pitch-black night. The nature of the hazard can not be changed man. However, beginners climbers often consider mountain climbing as a regular recreation. As a result, they neglect the physical preparation and climbing equipment. Not uncommon among those bodies only encrusted T-shirt with a biscuit or water supplies perfunctory. Although not able to be changed, in fact climbers can reduce negative impacts. That is by watching facilities and infrastructure that exist or need to be taken. The following sports facilities and infrastructure climbing, namely:
 Bring location map navigation tools such as climbing, map, altimeter (gauge height somewhere above sea level), or a compass.
 Bring warm clothes, thick jackets, gloves, thick socks, and headgear to protect themselves from the cold.
 Bring a waterproof jacket.
 Bring tents to protect themselves from the rain when camping as well as bring a sleeping bag / mat.
 Bring a flashlight and battery sufficiently.
 Prepare yourself, make sure the condition of the body healthy and strong.
 Bring sneakers or boots (not bersendal).
 Bring the water container should always be filled all the way.
 Bring cooking equipment.
 Bring medical equipment, such as iodine, bandages, and specific drugs for patients with certain diseases.
 Carrying bag duffle bag to climb.
 Bring a large plastic bag used to carry our rubbish.
Measure the ability of ourselves. If not able to continue the journey, do not hesitate to get back home. Indeed, mountain climbing has an element of adventure. Adventure is as a form of thought which began with a feeling of uncertainty regarding the results of the trip and always end with a sense of satisfaction because of the success of the trip. Feelings that arise when adventuring is fear of facing physical or psychological danger

      Sport climbing has positive and negative effects terhdap surrounding environment. Here's an explanation of the impacts that occur:
- The positive impact that occurs in the environment as a result of climbing sports, namely: Increased economies in communities around the area of ​​the climb, the more the conservation of natural mountain if there is no act-act irresponsible hands, and so forth.
- The negative impacts that occur in the environment as a result of sport climbing are: presence of environmental pollution by the act of people who are not responsible, air pollution, and so forth.
- How to Maintain Infrastructures Sport Climbing: Facility is supporting in an activity, the activity climbing ingredients are: equipment to be brought / used to climb like, shoes, padded jackets, headgear, stick, torch tool (if climbing night) , gloves, bags duffle bag to load equipment / other needs, and so forth. While infrastructure is a basic requirement in an activity, such as in climbing that mountain to be in the lead, travel route, and others. How to maintain a means of climbing that is the way each of the climbers, because these facilities were taken respectively by climbers. While the hike is how to maintain the infrastructure we need to preserve nature (mountains), do not litter, do not damage the environment and others.


      The conclusion from the above description, that the environment is a term that can encompass all living and non-living beings in nature that exist on Earth or part of the Earth. Environment consisting of abiotic and biotic components. While sport climbing is a tough sport, full of adventure and requires skill, intelligence, strength and high fighting spirit. Sport climbing has a positive and negative impact.

      Advice from me to all readers is more to understand more about the sport climbing and matters related to the sport.

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