Monday, 27 April 2015


1.1 Background
       Sports Interaction is a relationship that is going on in the world of sport, everyone is not going to escape from a interactions. Therefore, interactions could occur anywhere. In the family, community, school, classroom, and in everyday life can even occur in a human being and productivity (human sexuality). In an interaction can not be done by himself, here should be done by more than one person, because the interaction was in need of an activity undertaken by some people.
In addition to the interaction of sports, there are more important things in the process of human production that is directly related to sexuality are done by humans.
Of the role of the above can be seen that an interaction can occur anywhere and can be done by anyone. Here we try to understand more about the sport of interaction with human sexuality. whether related or not at all.

1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the description above background, there are some problems that can be formulated as follows:
1.2.1 What is the purpose of the interaction, exercise, and human sexuality?
1.2.2 What is the relationship of sports interaction with human sexuality?

1.3 Objectives
From some of the formulation of the problem can be described on the objectives to be achieved include:
1.3.1 To find out what it is the interaction of sport and human sexuality.
1.3.2 To determine how the relationship between sports interaction with human sexuality.
1.4 Benefits
The goal of understanding to be achieved that will produce benefits including the following:
1.4.1 Knowing about the process of interaction with the exercise of human sexuality.
1.4.2 Knowing how sports interaction with human sexuality.


        Interaction here can be interpreted as the dynamic relationships. Relationship in question may be a relationship between one individual with other individuals, and between groups of individuals. In the interaction there are also symbols, where the symbol is defined as something that is of value or meaning given to it by those who use it.
Sports Interaction is the activities that occur when we exercise are certainly in the process of this interaction certainly has a reciprocal relationship. The interrelationships that occurred here means the relationship will be undertaken during exercise that can be felt later. Suppose while exercising at the time of warming we are just playing around alone and not serious then do not blame if it will experience muscle cramps at the time of olahrag point. But if serious then it probably will not get that at the get muscle cramps when not serious in heating.
Here will be discussed about human sexuality, the question of 'natural' than heterosexual relationship men and women. Here are some opinions of some experts, namely:
Patriarchalis said that:

1. Animal Pattern refers to something that is physical.
2 .Seksualitas conceived as a power instinctive (instinctive) that moves and master the individual in personal and social life. If this power is not channeled into direct sexual expression, then it will appear as a mental disorder or neurosis.
Meanwhile, according to adherents matriarchalis:
1.Seksualitas normative human nature because they are bio-social beings.
 Here are some opinions again according to some experts who hold patriarchalis:
- Sigmund Freud Saying that:
• The concept of human libido rests on a hydraulic scheme: increased libido, increased blood pressure, increased unrest.
• The sexual act will reduce tension and anxiety for a while until it re-emerged tensions. Sexual restraint can lead to mental disorders.
- Havelock Ellis in his book "Studies in the Psychology of Sex"
State that:
• concern over the increasing trend for women to reject the function of 'motherhood' and accused them matriarchalis adherents have turned the women away from 'natural laws of their own'.
• Insistence male is the insistence that 'conquered' and the insistence of women is the urge to 'conquer'.
• In case of rejection by women, then it is not really real rejection (pretend) but it's all part of the game that is designed to increase the rise of male sexual appetite '.
- Margaret Sanger stated that:
Men should be a seducer, pursuers and hunters. Men are the aggressor.
- Leonora Eyles states that:
• Every women actually like men, things like those cave, he likes a surprise, he liked to run away and was arrested and given a love game.
• The function of denial of women is to increase the rise of male lust and finally ensure the selection of the legal -according nature-that only the best and most men who managed to be persistent produce their offspring, then there should be a mix of equally close between women's sexual pleasure and of pain ,
• Men are the victims of sexual impulses for the insistence that they are not able to control.
• male sexual urge is much stronger than in women.
Here are some of the benefits of sport for health:
1. Keep out of the disease, examples of diseases that could be avoided if we perform routine and regular exercise is high blood pressure (hypertension) or stroke (heart attack). Eg jogging or jog, a leisurely stroll. The blood circulation in the body to be smooth.
2. Avoid obesity or physical form kegemukan.kegiatan olahrag proven to burn heaps of calories or fat under the skin.
3. Far from stress. Sports activities cycling and jogging can be their own entertainment for entrepreneurs who are super busy and consumed a lot of time because of work.
4. Adding power. If you exercise regularly will make us stronger and powerful because the cardiovascular system in the body will be trained to work even when doing exercise. This makes every cell in the body tissues get enough oxygen and nutrients are transported by the blood so tubuhakan increasingly strong and powerful.
5. Sleep well. Physical activity will make us feel tired..these which will trigger us to be able to sleep soundly in the appeal of those who seldom do physical activity.
6. high sexual libido, quality of sexual intercourse if the couple sometimes decreased sexual libido drops. with exercise, blood circulation and improves health. Also increase libido. It would also affect the happiness.
There are many more other benefits. The above description mentions that the benefits of exercise have to do with human sexuality. if the sport is less then the power sexuality will decrease and vice versa if exercising regularly will increase libido and improve a person's sexuality.

From the description above discussion it can be concluded that the interaction of sport with human sexuality are very closely linked because if exercise decreases the human sexuality itself will decline as well, if the sport regularly and increase the human sexuality will also rise due to the increase libido in the human body itself when exercising regular.

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