1.1 Background
Pencak Silat is an Indonesian martial art characteristic has its own characteristics that are developed to realize identity. Similarly, martial arts, martial arts in Indonesia is also diverse and has distinctive features of each. Pencak Silat is now familiar with the form and style that is diverse, yet has the same aspects.
Pencak Silat is an elements of the personality of the Indonesian nation possessed of Farmed are hereditary. Until now there is no script or set of self-defense on the history of the Indonesian nation naturally organized and accountable as well as a source for the development of a more regular. many martial arts school or college in the country that always connects Pencak silat with value
spiritual behind. Perhaps this is not new, because in China, the country where sourced wushu, kung fu or whatever they are called, are also always connected with spiritual values behind. Holy Footprint as one variant of martial arts martial arts also have characteristics that could indicate a strong identity. Characteristic were developed through a long process in which it passes historical roots. Therefore in perlukannya more in-depth knowledge of the history of martial arts.
1.2 Purpose
The objectives to be achieved, namely:
1.2.1 Knowing the actual history of martial arts.
1.2.2 Knowing martial arts bond formation in Indonesia.
1.3 Benefits
The purpose of understanding to be achieved that will produce benefits including the following:
1.3.1 to know the history of martial arts.
1.4.2 Can know about the bond formation in Indonesian martial art.
2.1. Pencak Silat History In Colonization Period
Pencak Silat is a culture that has existed since ancient times, even during the colonial era martial arts is already there, following the history of martial arts during the colonial era:
2.1.1. History of martial arts in the days before the Dutch colonial.
Our ancestors have had a high civilization, so it can develop into clumps developed nation. Areas and islands are inhabited develop into communities with governance and regular life. Tata defense in those days were mainly based on personal ability is high, is the basis of self-defense system, both in the face of life's struggle and in the defense group.
Experts defense and fighter gets a high place in society. Similarly, the masters who create a powerful personal weapons such as daggers, spears and special weapons. Powerful forces in the kingdom of Srivijaya and Majapahit era and the other kingdoms in those days consisted of soldiers who have individual self-defense skills are high. Pemukupan heroism and chivalry soul is always given to achieve excellence in the science of self-defense. To be a soldier or warrior diperulan requirements and in-depth training under the guidance of a teacher. During the development of the Islamic religion fostered collective self-defense science spiritual teachings. So that the bases of Islam known for his martial knowledge altitude. Clearly, that since the Dutch colonial era before we have had a system of self-defense in accordance with the nature and disposition of the Indonesian nation.
2.1.2. Pencak Silat History in the Dutch colonial era
A foreign government that is in power in a country rarely pay attention to the viewpoint of the nation is ruled. Belandan government does not allow the development of Pencak Silat or national self-defense, because they were considered dangerous to the survival of colonialism. Prohibition to practice martial arts held even ban for association and assembly. So the development of life or self-defense Pencak Silat Indonesian nation that had lost his footing firmly rooted into his life. Only by stealth and by small groups of Pencak Silat is maintained. Opportunities are permitted only in the form of art or arts development solely still used in some areas, leading to a performance or ceremony only. The essence of the soul and spirit of self-defense can not fully develop. The influence of the emphasis in the Dutch colonial era, many Pencak Silat color development for decades afterward.
1.2.3. Pencak Silat History in Japanese occupation
Japanese politics of the different nations occupied by the Dutch politics. Against Pencak Silat as national science driven and developed for the benefit of Japan itself, with rekindle the spirit of defense against an ally. Everywhere at the instigation Shimitsu held centralizing power flow Pencak Silat. Throughout Java Concurrent didirkan Pencak Silat movement regulated by the Government. In Jakarta at that time had been created by the builder Pencak Silat Pencak Silat a olarhaga based, which is proposed to be used as a sports movement in each morning in schools. The proposal was rejected by Shimitsu fearing for urgent Taysho, Japan. Although Japan provides the opportunity for us to turn the heritage elements greatness of our nation, the goal is to use the spirit which is expected to flare again in the interest of Japan itself is not to our national interests.
But we have to admit, there is also the advantage that we derive from that era. We began to realize again will restore science must Pencak Silat in the space originally occupied in our society.
2.2. History Pencak Silat In the Age of Independence.
Although the Dutch colonial period Pencak Silat is not given a place to grow, but there are still many young people who learn and explore through teachers Pencak Silat, or hereditary in the family environment. The soul and the spirit of national revival since Budi Utomo founded looking elements of cultural heritage that can be developed as a national identity. Recognizing the importance of developing the role of martial arts it is deemed necessary to the organization that is the national martial art, which can also bind streams throughout the Indonesian martial art. On May 18, 1948, formed the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) with a large management structure IPSI is now listed as the oldest national martial arts organization in the world. IPSI founding fathers are:
• Wongsonegoro: Chairman of the Cultural Center of Kedu
• Soeratno Sastroamidjojo: Secretary Cultural Center Kedu
• Marjoen Soedirohadiprodjo: Pencak Silat Sumatra
• Dr. Sahar: SHO
• Soeria Atmadja: Pencak Silat West Java
• Soeljohadikoesoemo: Padepokan Setia Hati Madison
• Rachmad Soeronegoro: Padepokan Setia Hati Madison
• Moenadji: Padepokan Setia Hati Solo
• Ruslan: Padepokan Setia Hati Kediri
• Faith Roesdi Soedjono: Padepokan Setia Hati Kediri
• S. Prodjosoemitro: PORE part Pencak
• Moh. Djoemali: Padepokan Setia Hati Yogyakarta
• Tanuwijaya: Padepokan Setia Hati Yogyakarta
• Soemali Prawirosoedirjo: Chief Executive of the pore
• Karnandi: Secretary of the Ministry of Youth Development and
• Ali Marsaban: Ministry of Education and Culture
The main program in addition to unite the schools and throughout the Indonesian Pencak Silat, IPSI submitted to the Government program to include Pencak Silat lessons in schools.
Efforts have been initiated at the beginning of the period of stewardship in the fifties, which is then received less attention, initiated with the holding of a seminar Pencak Silat by the Government in 1973 in the monument, Bogor. In this seminar precisely made for the inaugural term bagnsa Indonesian art of self-defense under the name "Pencak Silat" which is a compound word. In the past, not all regions in Indonesia using the term Pencak Silat. In some areas in Java commonly used name while in Sumatra Pencak Silat people call. Medium arts own words can have special meaning as well as martial word.
Arts, can have a basic understanding of martial motion, which is bound to the rules and used in the study, rehearsals and performances.
Silat, has an idea of the perfect martial motion, which is based on pure pure spirituality, to personal safety or well-being together, refrain / man of martial or disaster. Today the term martial arts contains elements of sports, arts, martial arts and mysticism. Definition of more martial arts ever made PB. IPSI together Bakin 1975 are as follows:
Pencak Silat is the result of human culture Indonesia to defend / maintain existence (independence) and integrity (manunggalnya) on the environment / natural surroundings to achieve harmony of life in order to increase the faith and piety to God Almighty.
2.3 History of Pencak Silat in Tanah Melayu.
Silat is expected to spread in the archipelago since the 7th century BC, but their origin could not be ascertained. Nonetheless, the current martial arts has been recognized as an ethnic Malay culture in the broad sense, (ie residents of the coastal areas of the island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula), a variety of other ethnic groups who use the lingua franca of the Malay language in various areas on the islands of Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and others also developed their own form of traditional martial arts.
Some argue that there are significant martial arts of China and India in the martial arts. This is true, even jadisesungguhnya does just that. This is understandable because the Malay culture (including Pencak Silat) is an open culture which since the beginning of the Malay culture has adapted to different cultures brought by traders and immigrants from the Indian, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, and others. Cultures were then assimilate and adapt to the culture of the natives. So presumably historical martial arts was born with the appearance of Malay culture.
2.4. Historical Formation History Education.
Understanding universities often confused with Pencak Silat Pencak Silat flow. Pencak Silat is an institution where studied Pencak Silat. Studied intensively studied connotations that the process is followed, guided and supervised directly and completely by the teacher, so that people who studied clearly known developmental abilities, especially the ability to control his or gratitude attitude. The teacher will not educate, improve or expand their education to someone who mentality (the ability of self-control or mind pekertinya) assessed no or inadequate. In that regard, in the past is not easy for a person to be a college student or a member of Pencak Silat. Weight examinations concerning mental attitude should be taken first and graduation. In terms of types of Pencak Silat taught, then there are 4 categories of college Pencak Silat, namely:
1. College of Mental-Spiritual Pencak Silat, which emphasizes intensive education on mental-spiritual aspect of Pencak Silat with the goal to establish the ability of self-control to students or members.
2. College of Pencak Silat, which emphasizes education in Pencak Silat martial aspects with the aim of forming a high finesse without fighting techniques or by using a variety of weapons to students or members.
3. College of Arts Pencak Silat, which emphasizes education on aspects. art Pencak Silat with the goal to establish the skills display the beauty of motion Pencak Silat to students or members, with or without musical accompaniment and without or with weapons, in accordance with the provisions of "wiraga" (motion technique), "wirama" (rhythm of motion are aligned , harmonious and balanced) and "wirasa" (softening and smoothing technique and rhythm of movement through creativity and improvisation based on a sense of appreciation).
4. College Sports Pencak Silat, which emphasizes education on the sport aspect of Pencak Silat with the goal to establish the ability of practicing techniques Pencak Silat valuable exercise for the benefit of maintaining physical fitness or competition. For the sake of the game, education adapted to match the applicable regulations.
The values of philosophy and mental-spiritual education in all universities Pencak Silat do not specifically, but at the time of exercise carried out in the form of short discourses, oath or vow of college. In accordance with the demands of an increasingly rational society, all institutions of traditional and transitional Pencak Silat will grow and turn into Pencak Silat modern university with the nature of management and professional education relative. In Indonesia there are 10 universities Pencak Silat called historical education. The ten universities are: Faithful Heart (SH), Setia Hati Terate (SHT), Shield (PD), White Shield, Phasadja Mataram, PERPI Harimurti, Holy Footprint, Silat Association of Indonesia (ITS), the archipelago and the Son Betawi.
Historical status due to the ten universities have historical ties with the birth and development of the IPSI. In addition to historical education, in Indonesia there are also a large university. The measure is the deployment area and the number of members of the respective universities. Which include major universities in Indonesia, among others:
Merpati Putih, White Stork, Satria Muda Indonesia and Indonesian Kateda. University leaders in general qualified Pencak Silat warriors, namely a high status associated with the ability to practice the teachings of the philosophy of Pencak Silat consistently and consequently are worth ditauladani once associated also with proficiency in practical implementation of Pencak Silat according to the rule. In the modern university environment, the term warrior has been used as the title for the mastery level of proficiency Pencak Silat, some of which are hierarchical in nature.
2.5. The formation history of Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI).
Pencak Silat as a national culture of Indonesia has a wide variety of typical maisng in each area, the number of universities / flow in all parts of the country is estimated at 820 colleges / flow. Standardization of martial arts that has pioneered the making, just for the basic moves for the special needs of sports and martial arts. While development has been submitted to any existing institution. Guidance system used by IPSI is made every aspect of coaching track, so the coaching pathway
Pencak Silat include:
1. Line art coaching
2. Line sports coaching
3. Line martial coaching
4. Line psychotherapy coaching
The fourth line was processed, with strainer and socio-cultural engine, Pancasila.
Parent martial arts organization in Indonesia is IPSI (Indonesian Pencak Silat Association). Persilat (Guild Pencak Silat Among Nations), is the name of the organization that was formed by Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei to accommodate federations of martial arts in various countries.
A seminar was held by the Government of Pencak Silat in 1973 at the monument, Bogor. In this seminar is precisely done inaugural term for the art of self-defense bagnsa Indonesia with the name "Pencak Silat" which is a compound word. In the past, not all areas in Indonesia use the term Pencak Silat. In some areas in Java commonly used name while in Sumatra Pencak Silat people call. Medium arts own words can have special meaning as well as martial word.
Arts, can have a basic understanding of martial motion, which is bound to the rules and used in the study, rehearsals and performances.
Silat, has an idea of the perfect martial motion, which is based on pure pure spirituality, to personal safety or well-being together, refrain / man of martial or disaster. Today the term martial arts contains elements of sports, arts, martial arts and mysticism. Definition of more martial arts ever made PB. IPSI together BAKINtahun 1975 was as follows:
"Pencak Silat is the result of human culture Indonesia to defend / maintain existence (independence) and integrity (manunggalnya) on the environment / natural surroundings to achieve harmony of life in order to increase the faith and piety to God Almighty.
Through the Preparatory Committee for the SilatIndonesia Silat Association on May 18, 1948 in Surakarta formed IPSI chaired by Mr. Wongsonegoro.
The main program in addition to unite schools and the Pencak Silat in seluruhIndonesia, IPSI submitted to the Government program to include Pencak Silat lessons in schools.
Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) is a national organization that oversees the Indonesian Pencak Silat official activities, including organizing matches, standardizing regulations and others.
Symbol Meaning IPSI
a. Basic Color White: means holy in deeds
b. Red color: means brave in the truth
c. Green color: means calmness in the face of everything that led to the stability of the soul, because it is always faithful and tawheed to Almighty God in wisdom and calm
d. Yellow: means that the IPSI prioritizes character and well-being and spiritual birth to new heights in its homeland
e. Shape Shielding Aspects Five: means that the IPSI is based foundation idiil Pancasila Pancasila sertabertujuan true human form
f. Garuda wing color
Yellow red berototkan: mean power of the Indonesian nation, keluruhandan
dynamics, Wings 18 sheets, fleece sheets 5 sheets + 4 + 8 sheets berartitanggal
IPSI establishment is May 18, 1948. The wings 18 pieces, consisting of 17 + 1 means
IPSI with the spirit of the Declaration of Independence berssatu build state
g. Strands of five circles: symbolizes that IPSI through sport is a bond between the various streams of humanity to uphold the principle of family, brotherhood and kegotong royongan
h. Red bow ties
White: that the IPSI is a unifying bond of the various streams of Pencak Silat, which is the result of a strong culture as guided by a sense of nation, language and landless water Indonesia.
i. White hand image
in the green Basics: illustrates that the IPSI assist countries in the field of national defense through the development of mental / physical order cadres IPSI national personality as well as able-bodied, strong and well-built.
3.1 ConclusionFrom the description above discussion it can be concluded that the importance and diversity of the history of martial arts. Whether it's during the colonial era, independence and so forth. as well as martial arts is a typical Indonesian martial tradition of hereditary and is now growing rapidly.
3.2 Suggestions
As good Indonesian nation, should we should not forget the histories that exist in our country. Especially important history as the history of martial arts.
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