Tuesday, 21 April 2015


History Graduate School of Education University of Ganesha
Historical development Pascsarjana Program Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) can not be separated from the history of Undiksha. Undiksha determined by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 11 of 2006, dated May 11, 2006. The history of the development of Ganesha University of Education is very long and very related to the history of teacher education in Indonesia. In the 1950s, in Indonesia was established course BI (read: B a) and B-II (read: B two), which served to educate prospective teachers SMTA. Associated with the policy, in 1955 in Singaraja established Indonesian BI courses are then coupled with the BI course of Commerce in 1957.

In addition to teacher education institutions in the form of courses BI and B-II, the government also established the College of Teacher Education (onset) in four cities, namely Malang, Bandung, Batusanggkar, and Tondano in 1954. In 1958, onset was changed to the Faculty Education (Guidance and Counseling) and become part of a university. Avoid dualism institutions dealing with teacher education, since January 1, 1960 all courses BI and B-II Course in Indonesia be integrated into the Guidance and Counseling at a nearby university.

In tune with the policy taken by the government, since January 1, 1962, Indonesian Course and Course BI BI Commerce Singaraja used FKIP Airlangga University Branch. The policy did not last long because since in open Udayana University on August 9, 1962, Guidance and Counseling Branch removed from Airlangga University Airlangga University and subsequently integrated into the University of Udayana be FKIP Univerisitas Udayana.
FKIP existence as an institution that addresses education teacher gets a rival of the group of people who founded the teacher education institution with the name of the Institute of Teacher Education (IPG). Avoiding things that are not desirable, President Sukarno took measures to integrate FKIP and IPG becomes Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College) by virtue of Presidential Decree No.1 of 1963. On the basis of Presidential Decree No.1 of 1963, the year it also FKIP Udayana University Teachers 'Training College removable and integrated in Malang, Malang Branch Singaraja into Teachers' Training College.

Singaraja Branch Malang Teachers 'Training College was only last about five years since 1968 Teachers' Training College Malang Branch Singaraja re-integrated into the University of Udayana into two faculties, namely the Faculty of Teacher Training (FKG) and the Faculty of Education (FIP). This step was taken due to the government's policy to reintegrate all the Teachers' Training College branch in Indonesia to the nearest State University or Institute, which contained the Director General of Higher Education Decree No.161 of 1967.
Referring to the new policy of the government to restructure the Indonesian State University and the Institute contained in PP 5 In 1980, PP 27, 1981, and Minister of Education and Culture No. 0174/0/1983, by Decree No. 62 of 1982 on February 12, 1983, the Faculty of Teacher Training (FKG) and the Faculty of Education (FIP) Udayana University merged into the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) Univerisitas Udayana.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 1993 dated January 16, 1993 officially proclaimed status changes FKIP Udayana University became the College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) Singaraja. The government's policy to provide expansion mandate at the Institute of Education Personnel (LPTK) motivate STKIP Singaraja to prepare to carry out the mandate of managing non-educational courses.
In subsequent developments, based Decrees No. 16 / Higher Education / Kep / 2000 dated February 7, 2000, STKIP Singaraja has been given the authority to implement the Graduate Program S2 level for Language Study Program. Furthermore, based on the Decree No. 12 of the Director General of Higher Education / Higher Education / Kep / 2001 dated January 18, 2001, has approved the opening of Program Research and Evaluation Study of Education (PEP) S2 level. Thus, the official Singaraja STKIP manage Graduate Program, in addition to the four majors namely the Department of Education, Department of Art Education and language support, Jurusann Mathematics Education, and Department of Education IPS, with each charge of several courses ..
Through struggle heavy enough to carry out the mandate and expansion plans through a feasibility study on the proposed changes to the University Institute of STKIP, finally under Presidential Decree No. 19 of 2001 dated February 5, 2001, approved Singaraja STKIP transformed into the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College) State Singaraja. Singaraja State Teacher Training Institute has managed 5 faculties, namely the Faculty of Education (FIP), the Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts Education (FPBS), Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education (FPMIPA), Faculty of Social Science Education (FPIPS), and the Department of Sport Science Department faculty equivalent (JIK) , as well as Pascsarjana Program. By letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number: 271 / O / T / 2004 approved the change in the status of the Department of Sport Science (JIK) into the Faculty of Sport Sciences Education (FPIK), so that the State Teacher Training Institute Singaraja manage six faculty and graduate programs.

Major developments in these institutions occurred after issued Presidential Decree No. 11/2006 of 11 May 2006 on the status change Singaraja State Teacher Training Institute became Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha). Ganesha University of Education manages six faculties, namely the Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), Faculty of Technical and Vocational (FTK), and the Faculty of Sport and Health (FOK) , and the Graduate School. Since the year 2012 several departments in FIS FIS formed separated from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). Thus Undiksha manage seven faculties and the Graduate Program. Currently Pascsarjana Program Undiksha manage nine (9) master study program (S2) as shown below.

1. Indonesian Education Studies Program - Starting in 2000
2. Program Research and Evaluation Methods Study of Education (PEP) - Starting in 2001
3. Education Administration Studies Program (AP) - Starting in 2003
4. Basic Education Program (Pendas) - Starting in 2007
5. Science Education Program - Since 2009
6. Mathematics Education Study Program - Since 2009
7. Learning Technology Studies Program - Since 2009
8. English Language Study Program - Starting in 2013
9. Study Program IPS - Starting in 2013.

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