Monday, 27 April 2015

1.1 Background
      During the life of the children, there will be a change in attitude and behavior is essentially influenced also by the attitude and social behavior and psychiatric adults in their environment (Kemenpora: 45). Is also expected to grow competitive nature that is based on the nature of high sportsmanship, respect for opponents to play, appreciate their initiative, confidence, and ability to control emotions. In the end, children can realize and recognize, either excess or lack of wealth itself through involvement in various sports.
From the above role to be performed by younger children are not far away from the guidance / assistance of the coach's role in the development of which is expected to be achieved even in a long time. Coaches should be wise in bridging the hopes and efforts of children achieve their goals. There must be a balance between effort won the game, develop individual skills, and maintaining pleasure or satisfaction in playing. The child should be praised and rewarded good performance, regardless of the final score of the match. The children are given more positive feedback from the only discuss the child's fault. The coach should be observant of any slightest progress shown by children by providing praise or reasonable. Given the presence of the parents of children who should not be overlooked.

1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the description above background, there are some problems that can be formulated as follows:
1.2.1 How is the training for early childhood?
1.2.2 How does an understanding of sports in early childhood?

1.3 Objectives
From some of the formulation of the problem can be described on the objectives to be achieved include:
1.3.1 To determine how training for early childhood.
1.3.2 To determine how an understanding of sports in early childhood.

1.4 Benefits
The goal of understanding to be achieved that will produce benefits including the following:
1.4.1 Knowing how training for early childhood.
1.4.2 Knowing how understanding the sport in early childhood.


     One characteristic of a good coach is a coach who is able to select or create an effective training methods and efficient to achieve the purpose of the exercise. Coaches are required to master extensive knowledge, has high artistic soul as well as well as a practitioner to apply the theory and methodology of training.
The main role of a coach is to facilitate or expedite the development process towards the achievement of individual athletes through:
1. Giving respect for human rights, ie equal rights for every athlete without discrimination.
2. Ensure that the practice environment is safe and feasible / appropriate.
3. Treat each athlete as an individual figure.
4. Professional and responsible in every action.
5. Understand and adhere to the rules of the game / match which applies the appropriate individual sports.
6. It has a responsibility to improve the performance and behavior of athletes.
7. Provide the best service to the athletes, taking into account the condition of the athletes.
8. Supervise and prevent drug use.
9. Maintain the image of coach and maintaining the standards / quality and the best personal conduct.
10. Refrain from any invective against the athletes.
11. In cooperation with individuals and institutions concerned.

In this manuscript further teaching materials will be presented on the study things about early childhood coaching required by the coach to handle athletes early age, namely regarding:
1. Preparing to train early childhood effectively.
2. Understanding the coach that training for early childhood aims to: (a) obtaining pleasure, (b) friendships or make new friends, (c) a feeling of comfort, and (d) learn new skills. These objectives can be achieved, if appropriate sporting activities and adjust to the needs and abilities of children.
3. Provide an overview of the kinds of sports for children.
4. Modify exercise.

2.1 Training To Childhood
2.1.1 Sports For Kids
Aspects of the training discussed early age is associated with an effective way of training for a group of athletes early age. Sports early age is an important part of the community because of the presence of children today will determine the future of the athlete's performance. Reference notes many children who do not do sports after 10 years they become less resistant to physical activity as an adult. Many of the children who stated that they do not exercise (tired) because the activity is not fun. They do not enjoy the sport because of the pressure from coaches and parents sometimes sports activities considered painful. Pressure from these adults often have negative things that affect children so do not want to exercise.
2.1.2 Modification of Sports
Modifications sports are directed so that children desire to engage in sports activities long (10 years). Modifications include changes to the size of the equipment, play areas, goals, game time and other rules relating to the size and shift exchange. The modification adjusts the ability of children, among other things: game area smaller, lower height basketball hoop or a wicket smaller, fewer teams and turn permitted more. Exercise modification goes well if children are receiving a lot and can enjoy it.

2.2 Understanding Sport In Childhood
2.2.1 Why Children Playing Sports
The National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS, 1990: 87) argues that children play sport for:
• Pleasure
• Friendship
• Feel better
• Learn new skills
Each goal can be achieved if the sporting activity according to their abilities and needs. Children are not "little adults" who can carry out activities such as adult or the same conditions under adults. Therefore it is not, the right of children to do activities as do adults.
Children should not be forced to play the sport, but the sport should be packaged as a fun activity to build the skills, knowledge related to the game, friendship and an entertainment.
2.2.2 Competition
• Competition is not a good thing, but also not bad.
• Competition should focus on comfort and personality improvement (as a motivator).
• When the winner (the results of the competition) focused on the competition, the experience can be a negative influence on children. Negative experience (not pleasant) cause children to lose interest.
• Children enjoy the competition but the final result is not the goal.
• extreme pressures associated with competition may result in loss of self-pride and self-confidence.
The benefits of competition to motivate children and make them feel better (confidence).

2.2.3 Injury
The most common injuries in children is associated with bone growth. Children should not be over-trained. They need to variations play a variety of sports activities and variations in the position in team sports or teams. Remember, before the child is taking part in sports, and no illnesses or injuries have ever experienced, a doctor needs to be examined to ensure that the child is fit or can follow the sport.

2.2.4 Intensity Exercise
Exercise should not memeberikan heavy pressure (high intensity). High intensity / hard to be short / short. Children only need to play, the frequency of exercise not more than 3 (three) sessions per week (2 exercises, 1 competition) with the length of time each session one (1) hour for up to 10 years of age and 1.5 hours for children more than 10 years.

2.2.5 Body Temperature
• Children have a greater skin surface area to body size and fewer sweat glands than adults. Therefore they are more sensitive to temperature.
• Children should not do physical activity as follows: a period of time (over 30 minutes), the temperature (above 3000C), humidity (above 50%).
• Children should be encouraged to drink a little water but often, to replace fluids lost through perspiration.

2.2.6 Marathon / Older Activity
Long activities, such as a marathon, not recommended for children. Long activities can result in injury and dehydration.
Instructions are presented Australian Sports Health Federation
Running age, the road is no more
Under 12 years 5 km
12-15 years 10 km
15-16 years Half marathon
16-18 years 30 km
> 18 years of Marathon

2.2.7 Exercise
Avoid activities that cause injury resulting in cessation of bone growth.
Avoid the following activities:
• Squatting full or bending the knee fully.
• The throw parabola or shooting a ball into a basketball hoop.
• Stretching bouncing.
• Activities constantly with one side of the body or limbs.
Weight Training
• Format strength exercises most suitable and safe for children is to use the weight / load their own.
• In the prior-adolescent children using only light training load.
• Strength training can help children, among others: improving skills, reducing injury associated with various sports, increase muscle strength, good body shape (posture) and increase confidence.
• Children should do weight training techniques correctly.
All strength training (weights) must be supervised by qualified instructors. Children may be better emphasized in the practice of sports skills.

2.2.8 Understanding of Children
Characteristics of the development and growth of socially important and should be taken into account in the training of children.
Training sessions should be organized for:
• Allow children contribute to their own learning • Fulfillment of balance between effort and rest • Activities are varied
• Serving children from different cultures and economic backgrounds • covered, variations in gender and the ability to classify • Focus on individual needs
• Develop basic skills • Encourage all children both male and female; talent, and strive to take part of their ability • Protect children from the possibility of experiencing / try failure

Examples of physical, personality and social characteristics, the level of understanding of children and the practical implications for coaches.
Social characteristics of children Coaches need
• Those related to them • Emphasize teamwork and fair play during practice and competition
• Learning social roles and skills, and development • Strengthen the contribution of all the children in making a team or group
• Learning how to work together and to compete • Encourage children trying to win the cooperation of fellow members of the team and compete fairly with opponents
• Coming from diverse social and cultural backgrounds • Provide a supportive environment and show sensitivity to individual differences
• Learning to face the triumphs and failures • Help children to enjoy their sport

Level of understanding of children trainers need
• Do not turn off the idea of ​​the ideal appearance • Provide appropriate demonstration
• Have not been able to process a lot of information • Introduce one thing at the same time
• Too much to do and little time to do • Select only 2-3 points for the practice of each skill
• Action is not automatic • Give children time to absorb the information and practice skills

The physical characteristics of children Coaches need
• Highly active • Plan a variety of activities
• great energy and very excited • Giving tolerance and redirect their passion
• Lack of control • Provide time to learn skills
• The development at different levels • Give time to acquire skills
• Support potential of boys and girls more alike than they are different assume • Do not assume that the ability based on sex
• The proportion of different body:
- Young children have larger heads
- Her legs are relatively short • Recognizing this affects the child's ability to balance
• petumbuhan during adolescence
- The arms and legs are not comparable in length • Affects the ability to run
• Children of the same age 4 years apart submarine in physical development have different characteristics • It is a measure of physical development of children, do not be stiff (awkward)
• Providing a higher portion of their aerobic system, but the results are not efficient • Classify the children according to age instead of physical development
• Respiratory kids short and fast • Provide low-intensity activity
• The development of anaerobic systems retarded children • Aware that children who are working hard to breath flow quickly
• Adolescence is a period of rapid growth • Aware that after puberty they become better in anaerobic power
• bone development should not be resolved until the age of 17 or 18 • Concentration on skills development models periodie variations determine long or short workout
• Children can not stand the heat and cold
• Use a safe strength training format that is: practice using the weight / load their own body
• Ensure that preadolecent supervised weight training for qualified instructor and not merely weigh heavy weight of the child
• Avoid repetition lot
• Make sure they are dressed comfortably
• Simple Motivation • Listen to what children say
• Consideration is ripe to play sports • Give praise and rewards for improvement and their businesses
• sensitive to criticism and failure Positive Assumptions and thanked their efforts and performance skills that have been carried out properly
• Attention short / short Maintain interest with varied activities and limit comments

A. Skills Development
There are various measures for athletes early age to learn or master a skill. The length of time depends on the individual child and the quality of practice. An important factor for the coach is:
• Give or show with a demonstration of good
• Build the skills of simple towards the complex flow
• Do not give too much information
• Fatigue will affect the acquisition of skills
• Children can only concentrate on short time

B. Athletes conditioning Early Childhood
When he wants to mature and advance athletes, coaches can develop a conditioning program to meet the capacity appearance. Appearances can be shown with the physical condition of the components, namely:
• Durability; Cardio-Vascular (Aerobic) local muscular endurance
• Strength; The amount of power that can be generated by muscle
• Power; The combination of strength and speed
• Flexibility; A broad movement in joints
Growth athletes early age now, in general, sufficient to sensitize the coach not to emphasize one physical element.
 Tip for conditioning effective
With circuit training includes activities to develop endurance, strength, power and flexibility. It was assumed that aerobic activity is an activity carried out at different sessions.
• Select the activity of each post to ensure a balanced physical development.
• Provide a circuit form a card for each child.
• How many repetitions? Ttapkan an item that can be enjoyed by children sehingg can carry the maximum number of replicates them.
• Use a card table activity or activity pad wall to mark each station.
• Each station there are several options, some hard lebiha activity than others. Should coloring activity code (eg red, blue and white). Children then try all the events for a single color, for example, the red activity at each station.
• Demonstrate the correct technique in the first session.
 Safety
• Do not do bouncing movements while doing motion (flexibility).
• Implement jumping exercises / hopping continues on a good surface. For example: grass, flooring, wooden mat. Avoid surface of asphalt, concrete and others. Shoes adjust.
• Do not sacrifice good technique to speed or to carry out a greater number of repetitions. Only increase the number of repetitions.

3.1 Conclusion
      From the description above can be concluded with a discussion of the issues raised / used, in training for early childhood associated with effective ways of training for a group of athletes early age. Aspects in use of sports for children due to the presence of children today will determine the future of the athlete's performance. And modifications olahrga directed so that children desire to engage in sports activities long (10 years).
Furthermore, in the understanding of the sport in early childhood. Why do children play sports, The National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS, 1990: 87) argues that children play sport for:
• Pleasure
• Friendship
• Feel better
• Learn new skills
The goal will be achieved if the sports activities according to their abilities and needs. Children are not "little adults" who can carry out activities such as adult or the same conditions under adults. Therefore it is not, the right of children to do activities as do adults.
Competition is one of understanding the sport in early childhood that competition needs to focus on comfort and personality improvement (as a motivator).
Injury, intensity of exercise, body temperature, marathon / long activities, training and understanding of the children is an effort that must be made in the understanding of the sport in early childhood.

3.2 Suggestions
This paper is a chain / flow of textbooks sport pedagogy, therefore kesetian reading and understanding in order to always be improved.


1.1 Background
       Gout is a result of excessive konsumzi purine substance. Purines into uric acid processed body, but if excess uric acid levels, the kidneys are unable to remove that uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result, joint pain, swollen and inflamed.
When we consume food derived from the living body, purine substances contained in it were moved into our bodies. The food was to be processed by the body, through metabolic processes and produce uric acid. So everyone had levels of uric acid in the body. Gout occurs when excessive uric acid levels (due purine entered too much). The human body already provides 85% of purine compounds for daily needs, which means that the needs of purines from food is only about 15%. Under normal conditions, the uric acid produced will be released by the body in the form of urine and feces (stool / feces).
In society in general, gout is known as a disease experienced by the rich, the rich already synonymous with the name of gout. Because that is necessary in the review again about the opinion of the majority society, is it true that uric acid attack only the rich people?
Or whether it is merely the public trust it? Because of them that need assessment of the actual uric acid and anyone who experienced it.

1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the description above background, there are some problems that can be formulated as follows:
1.2.1 Is it gout?
1.2.2 Really opinion on uric acid is identical to the disease of the rich?

1.3 Objectives
From some of the formulation of the problem can be described on the objectives to be achieved include:
1.3.1 To find out what it was gout.
1.3.2 To determine the true opinions about uric acid is identical to the disease of the rich.

1.4 Benefits
The goal of understanding to be achieved that will produce benefits including the following:
1.4.1 Knowing about gout.
1.4.2 Knowing the truth about the opinion of uric acid is identical to the disease of the rich.


        Uric acid is an end product of purine metabolism. Every day people normally dispose of 700 mg of uric acid through the kidneys, while the stored reserves of uric acid in the body approximately 1,000 mg. Gout patients produce excessive uric acid that were stored in reserves increased to 3-15 times than in normal circumstances. On the other hand, decreased excretion through the kidneys.
Gout is a result of excessive konsumzi purine substance. Purines into uric acid processed body, but if excess uric acid levels, the kidneys are unable to remove that uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result, joint pain, swollen and inflamed.
Gout disease have symptoms resembling arthritis, namely joint pain, especially in the big toe joint that crept into the foot. At first gout attack lasted a few days and then subsides for a few months. But then the attacks became more frequent and the duration of time becomes longer. The next attacks cause greater pain, pain longer, the frequency of attacks increased, and shorter recovery time. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by swelling and stiff joints. If you have an attack of this disease, should be treated as if it is not then one day you can experience chronic arthritis uric acid so that no longer attack-free period.
Generally, people are vulnerable to uric acid are those aged over 35 years. But lately known that gout is not only suffered by the parents, but also suffered by a group of young, even by children who are still in their teens. The disease is likely to be experienced by men because women have estrogen helped removal of uric acid in the urine. Only when a woman is no longer producing estrogen (menopause), then he has a greater potential to accumulate uric acid.

       Normal uric acid levels in men ranged from 3.5 to 7 mg / dL and in women from 2.5 to 6 mg / dL of blood. Diseases caused by uric acid in people who need to be aware uric acid levels has been more than 7 mg / dL of blood. However, not everyone who has high uric acid content will experience joint pain. Only 25 percent of people of high uric acid will experience joint pain.
Gout disease can be divided into primary gout (90%) and secondary (10%). Primary gout is gout cases where the cause is not known with certainty, or the result of abnormal metabolic processes in the body. While secondary gout is the case that the cause of gout can be known with certainty. Approximately 90% of patients with primary gout are men over the age of 30 years.
Keep in mind that one of the causes of gout is the consumption of foods that contain purine. But purine is not a chemical compound that is harmful to the body. Purine is one of a class of proteins nucleoprotein. Our bodies have to provide 85% of purine compounds for the body needs every day, while the remaining 15% to be met from food. The problem is, the consumption of purine in the food we sometimes excessive, so that the kidneys can not properly regulate metabolism.
In fact purines found in virtually all types of food that it is difficult to avoid. This is due to the purines contained in the nucleus of living cells. So in any material of any food, such as fish, meat, jerohan, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables, be sure there is a purine with different levels.
Regarding the opinion of most people in general who said that gout is identical to the 'disease of the rich'. This statement is not entirely true. This disease can happen to anyone, nothing to do if a person is of high or low economic class. Upper class people used to eat high-purine from meat, while the lower classes used to consume high purine of offal which has been cooked into a soup or stew. In fact, in addition to a source of purine offal, also the foods that contain high cholesterol.


1.1  Latar Belakang
Penyakit asam urat merupakan akibat dari konsumzi zat purin secara berlebihan. Purin diolah tubuh menjadi asam urat, tapi jika kadar asam urat berlebih, ginjal tidak mampu mengeluarkan sehingga kristal asam urat menumpuk di persendian. Akibatnya sendi terasa nyeri, bengkak dan meradang.
Saat kita mengkonsumsi makanan yang berasal dari tubuh makhluk hidup, zat purin yang terkandung di dalamnya ikut berpindah ke dalam tubuh kita. Makanan yang masuk akan diolah oleh tubuh, melalui proses metabolisme dan menghasilkan asam urat. Jadi setiap orang punya kadar asam urat dalam tubuh. Penyakit asam urat terjadi jika kadar asam urat berlebihan (karena purin yang masuk terlalu banyak). Tubuh manusia sudah menyediakan 85% senyawa purin untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, yang berarti kebutuhan purin dari makanan hanya sekitar 15%. Dalam kondisi normal, asam urat yang dihasilkan akan dikeluarkan oleh tubuh dalam bentuk urine dan feses (tinja/kotoran).
Di masyarakat pada umumnya, penyakit asam urat ini dikenal sebagai penyakit yang di alami oleh orang kaya, orang kaya sudah identik dengan yang namanya asam urat. Karena itulah perlu di kaji lagi tentang pendapat kebanyakan masyarakat tersebut, benarkah kalau asam urat hanya menyerang para orang kaya?
Ataukah hal tersebut hanyalah sekedar kepercayaan masyarakat saja? Karena hal tersebutlah perlu pengkajian tentang asam urat yang sebenarnya dan siapa saja yang mengalaminya.

1.2  Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang diatas, ada beberapa masalah yang dapat di rumuskan sebagai berikut:
1.2.1  Apakah penyakit asam urat itu?
1.2.2 Benarkah pendapat tentang asam urat identik dengan penyakit orang kaya?

1.3  Tujuan
Dari beberapa rumusan masalah dapat di uraikan kembali tujuan yang ingin dicapai di antaranya:
1.3.1 Untuk mengetahui apa itu penyakit asam urat.
1.3.2 Untuk mengetahui benarkah pendapat tentang asam urat identik dengan penyakit orang kaya.

1.4 Manfaat
Tujuan dari pengertian yang ingin dicapai yakni akan menghasilkan manfaat diantaranya sebagai berikut:
1.4.1 Mengetahui tentang penyakit asam urat.
1.4.2 Mengetahui tentang kebenaran pendapat tentang asam urat identik dengan penyakit orang kaya.


Asam urat merupakan produk akhir dari metabolisme purin. Setiap hari orang normal membuang 700 mg asam urat melalui ginjal, sedangkan cadangan asam urat yang tersimpan dalam tubuh kurang lebih 1.000 mg. Penderita asam urat memproduksi asam urat berlebihan sehingga yang tersimpan dalam cadangan meningkat menjadi 3-15 kali dibandingkan dalam keadaan normal. Di lain pihak, ekskresinya melalui ginjal menurun.
Penyakit asam urat merupakan akibat dari konsumzi zat purin secara berlebihan. Purin diolah tubuh menjadi asam urat, tapi jika kadar asam urat berlebih, ginjal tidak mampu mengeluarkan sehingga kristal asam urat menumpuk di persendian. Akibatnya sendi terasa nyeri, bengkak dan meradang.
Penyakit asam urat memiliki gejala-gejala menyerupai arthritis, yakni nyeri sendi terutama di jempol kaki yang merambat ke persendian kaki. Pada awalnya serangan asam urat berlangsung beberapa hari dan setelah itu reda selama beberapa bulan. Namun kemudian serangannya menjadi lebih sering dan durasi waktunya menjadi lebih lama. Serangan berikutnya menimbulkan rasa nyeri yang lebih hebat, rasa sakit yang lebih lama, frekuensi serangan meningkat, dan masa kesembuhan menjadi lebih pendek. Kadang-kadang rasa nyeri disertai dengan bengkak dan kaku sendi. Apabila Anda mengalami serangan penyakit ini, sebaiknya segera diobati karena jika tidak maka suatu saat Anda bisa mengalami arthritis asam urat kronik sehingga tidak ada lagi masa bebas serangan.
Umumnya orang yang rawan terserang asam urat adalah mereka yang berusia di atas 35 tahun. Tetapi belakangan ini diketahui bahwa penyakit asam urat bukan hanya diderita para orang tua, melainkan juga diderita oleh kelompok yang berusia muda, bahkan oleh anak yang masih berusia belasan tahun. Penyakit ini cenderung dialami pria karena wanita mempunyai hormon estrogen yang ikut membantu pembuangan asam urat melalui urin. Baru ketika seorang wanita sudah tidak lagi memproduksi estrogen (saat menopause) maka dia mempunyai potensi yang lebih besar untuk menumpuk asam urat.
Kadar asam urat normal pada pria berkisar 3,5 – 7 mg/dL dan pada perempuan 2,5 – 6 mg/dL darah. Penyakit akibat asam urat perlu diwaspadai pada orang yang kadar asam uratnya telah melebihi 7 mg/dL darah. Meskipun demikian, tidak semua orang yang memiliki kandungan asam urat tinggi akan mengalami nyeri sendi. Hanya 25 persen orang yang asam uratnya tinggi yang akan mengalami nyeri sendi.
Penyakit asam urat dapat dibedakan atas penyakit asam urat primer (90%) dan sekunder (10%). Penyakit asam urat primer adalah kasus gout dimana penyebabnya tidak diketahui dengan pasti, atau akibat kelainan proses metabolisme di dalam tubuh. Sedangkan penyakit asam urat sekunder adalah kasus penyakit asam urat yang penyebabnya dapat diketahui secara pasti. Sekitar 90% pasien penyakit asam urat primer adalah pria yang berusia lebih dari 30 tahun.
Perlu diketahui bahwa salah satu penyebab penyakit asam urat adalah konsumsi makanan yang banyak mengandung purin. Namun purin bukanlah senyawa kimia yang berbahaya bagi tubuh. Purin merupakan salah satu protein dari golongan nukleoprotein. Tubuh kita telah menyediakan 85% senyawa purin untuk kebutuhan tubuh setiap hari, sedangkan 15% sisanya harus dipenuhi dari makanan. Masalahnya, konsumsi purin dalam makanan kita terkadang berlebihan, sehingga ginjal tidak dapat mengatur metabolismenya dengan baik.
Kenyataannya purin hampir ditemukan dalam semua jenis makanan sehingga sulit untuk dihindari. Hal ini disebabkan purin terdapat di dalam inti sel makhluk hidup. Jadi dalam setiap bahan makanan apapun, seperti ikan, daging, jerohan, serta berbagai jenis buah dan sayuran, dipastikan terdapat purin dengan kadar yang berbeda-beda.

Mengenai pendapat kebanyakan masyarakat pada umumnya yang menyebutkan bahwa penyakit asam urat identik dengan ‘penyakit orang kaya‘. Pernyataan ini tidak sepenuhnya benar. Penyakit ini dapat menimpa siapa saja, tidak ada hubungannya apakah seseorang itu dari golongan ekonomi tinggi atau rendah. Orang-orang kelas atas biasa mengkonsumsi purin tinggi dari daging-dagingan, sedangkan kelas bawah biasa mengkonsumsi purin tinggi dari jeroan yang telah dimasak menjadi soto atau gulai. Padahal, jeroan selain sumber purin, juga merupakan makanan yang mengandung kolesterol tinggi.

1.1  Latar Belakang
Interaksi olahraga merupakan suatu hubungan yang terjadi dalam dunia keolahragaan, setiap orang tidak akan luput dari suatu interaksi. Oleh karena itu interaksi bisa terjadi dimana saja. Di lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat, sekolah, perkuliahan, dan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari bahkan bisa terjadi dalam suatu produksivitas manusia(seksualitas manusia). Dalam suatu interaksi tidak bisa dilakukan oleh seorang diri, disini harus di lakukan oleh lebih dari 1 orang, karena dalam suatu interaksi itu di perlukan suatu aktifitas yang di lakukan oleh beberapa orang.
Selain interaksi olahraga, ada lagi hal yang penting dalam proses produksi manusia yaitu berhubungan langsung dengan seksualitas yang di lakukan oleh manusia.
Dari peran di atas dapat di lihat bahwa suatu interaksi dapat terjadi dimana saja serta dapat di lakukan oleh siapa saja. Disini coba kita pahami tentang hubungan interaksi olahraga dengan seksualitas manusia. apakah ada kaitannya ataukah tidak sama sekali.

1.2  Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang diatas, ada beberapa masalah yang dapat di rumuskan sebagai berikut:
1.2.1 Apakah maksud dari proses interaksi, olahraga, dan seksualitas manusia?
1.2.2 Bagaimana hubungan interaksi olahraga dengan seksualitas manusia?

1.3  Tujuan
Dari beberapa rumusan masalah dapat di uraikan kembali tujuan yang ingin dicapai di antaranya:
1.3.1 Untuk mengetahui apa itu interaksi olahraga dan seksualitas manusia.
1.3.2 Untuk mengetahui bagaimana hubungan antara interaksi olahraga dengan seksualitas manusia.
1.4 Manfaat
Tujuan dari pengertian yang ingin dicapai yakni akan menghasilkan manfaat diantaranya sebagai berikut:
1.4.1 Mengetahui tentang proses interaksi olahraga dengan seksualitas manusia.
1.4.2 Mengetahui bagaimana hubungan interaksi olahraga dengan seksualitas manusia.


Interaksi disini dapat diartikan sebagai hubungan-hubungan yang dinamis. Hubungan yang dimaksud dapat berupa hubungan antara individu yang satu dengan individu yang lainnya, maupun antara kelompok individu. Dalam interaksi juga terdapat simbol, dimana simbol diartikan sebagai sesuatu yang nilai atau maknanya diberikan kepadanya oleh mereka yang menggunakannya.
Interaksi olahraga adalah kegiatan-kegiatan yang terjadi di saat kita melakukan olahraga yang tentunya dalam proses interaksi ini pastinya mempunyai hubungan timbal balik. Hubungan timbal balik yang terjadi disini maksudnya hubungan yang di lakukan saat berolahraga itulah yang dapat di rasakan nantinya. Misalkan saat berolahraga di saat melakukan pemanasan kita hanya bermain-main saja dan tidak serius maka jangan salahkan jika nantinya akan mengalami kram otot di saat melakukan olahrag intinya. Tetapi jika bersungguh-sungguh maka mungkin tidak akan mendapatkan kram otot yang di dapatkan ketika tidak bersungguh-sungguh dalam pemanasan.
Disini akan di bahas tentang seksualitas manusia, persoalan ‘alami’ dari hubungan heteroseksual laki-laki dan perempuan. Disini ada beberapa pendapat dari beberapa ahli,yaitu:
Patriarchalis mengatakan bahwa:
1. Pola Hewan menunjuk pada sesuatu yang bersifat jasmaniah.
.Seksualitas dikonsepsikan sebagai kekuatan instinktif (naluriah) yang menggerakkan dan menguasai individu dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun sosial. Jika kekuatan ini tidak disalurkan ke dalam ekspresi seksual yang langsung, maka ia akan muncul sebagai kelainan jiwa atau neurosis.
Sedangkan menurut penganut matriarchalis:
1.Seksualitas manusia sifatnya normatif karena mereka adalah makhluk bio-sosial.
Ø  Inilah beberapa pendapat lagi menurut beberapa ahli yang menganut patriarchalis:
-          Sigmund Freud Mengatakan bahwa:
  • Konsep libido manusia berpijak pada skema hidrolik: libido meningkat, tekanan darah meningkat, keresahan meningkat.
  • Tindakan seksual akan menurunkan ketegangan dan keresahan untuk beberapa saat sampai ketegangan itu kembali muncul. Pengekangan seksual dapat menimbulkan gangguan mental.
-          Havelock Ellis dalam bukunya “Studies in the Psychology of Sex
Menyatakan bahwa:
  • Keprihatinannya atas kecenderungan perempuan yang semakin meningkat untuk menolak fungsi ‘keibuan’ mereka dan menuduh penganut matriarchalis telah membelokkan perempuan jauh dari ‘hukum alam mereka sendiri’.
  • Desakan laki-laki adalah desakan yang ‘menaklukkan’ dan desakan perempuan adalah desakan untuk ‘ditaklukkan’.
  • Apabila terjadi penolakan oleh perempuan, maka penolakan itu sebenarnya tidaklah nyata (pura-pura) tetapi itu semua adalah bagian dari permainan yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan bangkitnya nafsu seksual laki-laki’.
-          Margareth Sanger menyatakan bahwa:
Laki-laki harus menjadi perayu, pengejar dan pemburu. Laki-laki adalah agressor.
-          Leonora Eyles menyatakan bahwa:
  • Setiap perempuan sebenarnya menyukai laki-laki, segala sesuatunya seperti orang-orang gua, dia menyukai kejutan, dia menyukai berlari jauh dan ditangkap dan diberi permainan cinta.
  • Fungsi penolakan perempuan adalah untuk meningkatkan bangkitnya nafsu laki-laki dan akhirnya menjamin —menurut hukum seleksi alam— bahwa hanya pria yang terbaik dan paling gigihlah yang berhasil membuahkan keturunan mereka, Maka harus ada perpaduan yang sama-sama erat antara kesenangan seksual perempuan dan kesakitannya.
  • Laki-laki adalah korban dari desakan-desakan seksual yang untuk desakan itu mereka tidak mampu mengendalikan.
  • Desakan seksual laki-laki jauh lebih kuat dari pada perempuan.
Berikut beberapa manfaat olahraga bagi kesehatan:
  1. Menjauhkan dari penyakit, contoh penyakit yang bisa di hindari jika kita melakukan olahraga rutin dan teratur adalah tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi) juga stroke(serangan jantung). Misalnya jogging atau lari-lari kecil, jalan santai. Maka peredaran darah dalam tubuh menjadi lancar.
  2. Terhindar dari obesitas atau kegemukan.kegiatan olahrag berupa fisik terbukti mampu membakar tumpukan kalori atau lemak di bawah kulit.
  3.  Jauh dari stress. Kegiatan olahraga bersepeda dan jogging bisa menjadi hiburan tersendiri bagi para pengusaha yang super sibuk dan banyak waktu yang tersita karena pekerjaan.
  4. Menambah tenaga. Jika berolahraga secara teratur akan membuat kita lebih kuat dan bertenaga karena system kardiovaskuler dalam tubuh akan terlatih untuk bekerja lebih saat sedang melakukan olahraga. Hal ini membuat setiap jaringan sel dalam tubuh memperoleh cukup oksigen dan nutrisi yang di angkut oleh darah sehingga tubuhakan makin kuat dan bertenaga.
  5. Tidur nyenyak. Aktivitas fisik akan membuat kita merasa lelah.ini yang akan memicu kita untuk bisa tidur nyenyak di banding orang-orang yang jarang melakukan aktivitas fisik.
  6. Libido seksual tinggi, kualitas hubungan seksual pasangan kadang menurun jika libido seksualnya turun. dengan berolahraga, peredaran darah dan kesehatan membaik. Meningkat pula libido seseorang. Ini tentu akan berpengaruh pula pada kebahagiaan.
Masih banyak lagi manfaat-manfaat yang lainnya. Uraian di atas menyebutkan bahwa manfaat olahraga ada hubungannya dengan seksualitas manusia. jika olahraganya kurang maka daya seksualitasnya akan menurun dan begitu juga sebaliknya jika melakukan olahraga secara teratur maka akan meningkatkan libido seseorang dan meningkatkan seksualitas seseorang.

Dari uraian pembahasan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa interaksi olahraga dengan seksualitas manusia sangat berhubungan erat karena jika olahraga menurun maka seksualitas manusia itu sendiri akan menurun juga, jika olahraganya teratur dan meningkat maka seksualitas manusia akan meningkat pula dikarenakan adanya peningkatan libido pada tubuh manusia itu sendiri jika berolahraga yang teratur.

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