Thursday, 23 April 2015


1.1 Background

      As the development of technological advances in this country, many people are less physical activity because most of them often do modern games related to technology such as online gaming. As a result, they are addicted to laze around. And do not exercise.
Sport is very important for us, because the exercise our bodies will feel fit and healthy. the exercise is not always severe, for example with recreational sports games we could feel the sensation that there is dipermaianan. Because in addition to exercising we can also have fun.

   Volleyball have become accustomed to hear ears. In volleyball takes extra strength. From this came the idea of ​​doing a kind of game of volleyball games but does not require as much energy. Balloon volleyball is one of the games or menyenagkan and does not require as much energy. Here, what is needed is cooperation, cohesiveness of a team and a strong power fikir and strategies that will be required to be superior.

1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the description above background, there are some problems that can be formulated as follows:
1.2.1 What is a balloon volleyball game?
1.2.2 How balloon volleyball game system?
1.2.3 How balloon volleyball scoring system?

1.3 Objectives
From some of the formulation of the problem can be described on the objectives to be achieved include:
1.3.1 To know about playing on balloon volleyball.
1.3.2 To find out how the balloon volleyball game system.
1.3.3 To determine the balloon volleyball assessment system.


2.1 Balloon Volleyball Games

      Balloon volleyball game is one game that is fun recreational sport. In this game, in addition to exercising can also be fun. From this it appears that exercise is healthy and fun.
In this game it is not so complicated, here only requires compactness and accuracy in a team. Because if the team was compact and thorough, then hasilnyapun will not disappoint.
This game can be played by various groups. From among children, adolescents and adults. In one team should have a strategy to survive or to attack, because that's the strategy that will help a team to be more superior than the other team.

2.2 Implementation of Balloon Volleyball Game necessary things:
• Balloons which are already filled with water.
• 6 square cloth.
• raffia rope sufficiently used as a net and field.
Technical implementation of the game:
• Create a field with a size of 4m x 8m. Place the divider in the middle of the pitch as a replacement ring.
• For the two teams playing. Each team consists of 6 people.
• Each player holds the corner edge of the fabric that will be used to throw and catch a water balloon.
• The trick is similar to the rules of volleyball. servicing team from outside the field. The ball is put into service must pass through the net and do not fall out of the box opposite field (out).
• Other teams just trying to catch a water balloon with a cloth as well. When the water balloons have been caught, they can not move and should immediately throw water balloons towards the opposing team (Pause maximum time of five seconds). If the water balloon burst when arrested, then the points for the opposing team.
• The balloon may touch the net except during servicing. If the balloon burst at that time, then the opposing team (which would catch) that earn points.
• The facilitator acts as referee.
• Winners in the capture of the team who scored the most in a period of 10 minutes.
Purpose of the game:
• Train kekeompakan team.
• Cooperation.
• Intelligence set strategy

2.3 Assessment System
• If the water balloon crashed in the opponent and the water balloon is not broken, then the team that throws will receive 1 point.
• If the water balloon crashed in the opponent and water balloons burst, then the team that throws will get 3 points.

3.1 Conclusion
     From the description above discussion it can be concluded that in the team there should be plenty of attack and defense strategies to ensure victory for the opposing team. The players can also throw a water balloon as high as that elusive but without solving the water balloons. In this game it takes cooperation, teamwork, and team skill in organizing strategies.

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